
Friday, November 11, 2022

Rain at Last!

50 this morning and pouring rain. I saw 2 squirrels this morning in the trees right by the house. I think the coming cold front has them scurrying to prepare. A young dog has been hanging out near our garage. No idea why, we don't put out feed for deer. 

A very foggy, rainy day. We sorely needed this after so long without significant rain. The trees are almost completely bare but there are still flowers in bloom and a few veggies in the garden. That will end tomorrow,  I think.

I spent the day painting. And painting. And painting. So many furniture projects! But I am happy to say all but one are complete. It was a good way to spend this rainy day.

More rain on the way tomorrow. That makes me so happy! After wishing the rain would stop this summer,  this dry fall has had us praying it would come back! We humans are so picky, aren't we? It make me happy to see the ground so wet,  and the fog hanging thick in the trees. Now the wildfires in other parts of our state are probably out , or at least under control.
Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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