
Sunday, November 6, 2022

Rolling Througb the Days

60 this morning. The promised showers never arrived, just a few sprinkles. We are into our third month of far below average rain. High was about 76, much too warm for this time of year. We saw 56 deer along a 5- mile stretch of road this evening--so many people are feeding them now, not a good thing in my view. Fat red squirrels are everywhere. There are many insects still flying around because of this unusually warm weather.  And leaves! They all seemed to drop at once this year, instead of the usual way of various tree varieties dropping their leaves at different times. 

We have been working hard on booth stuff this week--getting out Christmas items and arranging them in our booths, which was a bigger than usual job this year as our newest space is different from the old place. Here, Christmas displays are expected but at the d place I did little if anything about Christmas or any other season.  And I forgot to take pictures! I will be back at both places this week though, so I will get photos then.

I have also been working on a lot of different furniture pieces. They are literally all over the house! But I completed 3 small table re-dos and 2 2 kitchen cabinets so the "crowd" is thinning out. I still have 3 tables, a dresser and another xabinetbto do, and hope to finish them this week. Then there is a table a lady has asked me to do. I don't like to do commissions but in this case I will do it.

I still have canning to do, dried beans and soups, but that is on hold for now. For one thing, I am out of jars! So until we eat more stuff from the cellar,  canning will have to wait.

The gardens are still producing a bit because of this warm weather.  Kale, chard, lettuce, turnips, leeks, and a few other things are still growing, although just small amounts. Larry even found a few more green tomatoes and brought them in to ripen. 

I have also been working harder on eBay and that is paying off in increased sales. Which means more packing. Surprisingly, I sold 5 sets of dinner plates last week--2 sets of Hull brown drip, one set of Corelle in a more rare pattern, and 2 sets of pretty vintage floral plates with gold trim. Considering how heavy china is, it was kind of surprising that these all sold within a day or two of being listed. I guess people are thinking ahead to their Thanksgiving table?

Our grandson in California had to have emergency surgery this week, a bit of a scare but fortunately he caught what could have been a very serious problem, and the surgery should take care of it. Whew.  In happier news, a granddaughter announced that she is expecting her first baby in June, and we are just thrilled. Life. It is full of surprises, isn't it?

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Oh no! You'e among the early Christmas's not even Thanksgiving! I'm glad you at least waited till after Halloween! Glad to hear of your well as your bounty of food stuffs!

    1. I know, way too early for me! But both locations wanted the holiday displays and merchandise out now. I am not feeling it, believe me.

  2. Glad to hear that your sales are doing well. I'm surprised how fast these items sell. I guess it's a good time to be selling on ebay. Enjoy the new week and the crazy weather. It's raining here and has been for days with a few breaks.

  3. I must admit that I love shopping on ebay. I can find the most specific stuff on there. Glad you are getting increased sales. It has been warm here in central KY, too. Supposed to cool off on Saturday and I am ready for it.


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