
Thursday, February 16, 2023

Moving Along

55 this morning, poured rain all day after a beautiful sunny warm day yesterday. 
I am so glad that the kitchen-painting job is done. We finished up Wednesday but I am still putting things back in place. It is so nice, though, to have it all so clean and bright. I will post photos soon, but tbe next couple of days I have got to work in my booths.  I didn't get them done last week, so I am behind there.

The maple just outside the window thinks it is time to bud out. Like so many other years, I am sure it will be nipped back several times by frost and freeze.

It has been an oh-so-dreary day, but between working in tbe kitchen and getting ready for tomorrow, we had a completely busy day. 

Outside, the bulbs are really coming up fast, and there are crocus in bloom. Inside, my seeds have all sprouted and are growing quickly. I was so tempted Wednesday to plant some peas, but resisted the urge because too often I have done that and the seeds rotted in tbe ground. Patience, patience! But with the ground nicely dry and the air so warm, it was hard to resist.

I have tried to wrap my head around the horror of the earthquake in Syria and Turkey. 40,000 people lost. That is far more people than live in our whole county. We don't have TV so we are spared the images that I am sure are being shown daily, but my heart hurts for the survivors who must now figure out how to go on amidst such ruin. Do you suppose they have stopped their wars and started helping each other? It is sad that it so often takes disaster to bring people together.

Here, there is worry over the chemical spill in Ohio that is drifting down our beautiful Ohio River,  bringing contamination in its wake. We have our own well, which is over 700 feet deep so our water supply is safe but the communities along the river are deeply concerned. And south of us in Kentucky, the heavy rain today has caused flooding worries. This planet has many woes, some caused by man, others by Nature herself. Still we all continue to rub along, don't we? And plan ahead for our gardens, in spite of it all.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Similar dreary weather here; mild, windy and oh-so-grey.

  2. That is decent weather for sure. It’s 17F here this morning with snow and freezing rain precipitation. It is a good day to stay indoors.

  3. I do hope the chemicals in the train wreck are somehow seems the EPA is just making cursory efforts.

  4. Cloudy here with spotty rain showers. They are still finding survivors from the earthquake, that is amazing. I saw a photo of the mess in Ohio, it's sad for the people who live there. What will they do, the chemicals are very toxic and it's not safe. So many questions and not enough answers.

  5. A thoughtful post, it is so hard to comprehend so very many of the things going on in the world isn't it.


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