
Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Garden Time

50 this morning, clear and sunny. This has been a beautiful week, sunny and dry. We spread the last of the mulch on hand, will get more today I hope. Peas, onions, carrots, lettuce, beets, kale and radishes are all up. I picked up Stonehead cabbage and Brussel sprouts plants the other day, along with 3 nice " cheater" tomato plants. These plants will give us a little head start on the season, I hope. Supposed to be in the low 80s today.

Some photos of the flowerbeds today. Then I am out to the garden to hoe!

A lovely visitor to the cherry tree's blooms.

One late daffodil. 
Coming along, but no blooms in this area right now.

All the peonies are doing very well. These are really in an area that is too shady, so will have to be staked when they bloom.

Double Tulips are a new addition this year.

Along the front walk.

Another new tulip,

and yet another. I do believe these are my new favorite. 

We have had this variety for at least 10 years, very hardy little fellows.

More of the doubles 

Larry has been repairing the electric fence. Apparently both chargers are kaput, so we will be getting new ones today. We now have 2 compost tumblers, one green to his right, and the older black one to his left.

And to end the day, a nice fire, which is how we have ended almost every day lately.

A neighbor stopped by to bring us 4 hens,  which made me very happy. We will be getting rabbit from her soon, to raise for meet. It has been many years since we had rabbits.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. It looks beautiful at your home. I love a good "cheater" tomato plant :)

  2. Your front walk is going to look awesome when the plants and flowrs grow. The flowers look beautiful.

  3. Mid 80s here today. We’ll get back to reality soon enough. 🤓

  4. You and Larry have created such a lovely home, inside and out! And that's good news about the makes such a difference to have hens cheerily clucking and scratching around, at least I think so. Even though mine are still living in hope that I will forget to close the door of their "suite" in the barn, or the gate to their nice big outdoor pen, so they can go exploring again... and draw the hawks down again. I'm giving them an apple every day as a peace offering.


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