
Sunday, April 16, 2023

Weekend: News That Isn't

55 this morning, clear but now in mid-afternoon  we have had a big downpour.  I am glad I got out in the gardens this morning to weed, plant, transplant, string-trim and mulch a bit. So much still to do! I love this time of year.

This is a bit different view of our house, looking from Sarah's cabin road. You can see the big upturned stump where we built a rough bed for some blackberry plants this week. We will do something better soon, this was just a make-do with what we had on hand.

We walked up to her cabin site to get her some photos of how it looks in the spring as she may not get back in time to see it. So pretty.

And coming back down the hill to where her road intersects with ours.

I spent most of yesterday finishing our taxes. I felt very much oh-poor-me too because it was a glorious day  but procrastinators must suffer for their feet-dragging! At least I can check that task off the to-do list. 

Friday was booth day. We got our Ripley location ready for the mall's big first anniversary celebration by adding some new things and rearranging a bit. I met a sweet younger customer while there who bought several things from our booth. I also met the new director of the town's Convention and Visitors Bureau. I was glad to meet her, as I wondered how they would ever replace dear Mike Ruben, aka "Mr. Ripley". You may recall I wrote about his passing a couple months ago. He is sorely missed, but it is good to know the town has been able to hire someone who will, I hope, have the same love of community as Mike.

After Ripley we restocked at Ravenswood.  It takes longer there since we have 5 spaces, and I needed to take out the Easter decor. Here again, we did some rearranging to freshen things up. It is surprising how often just moving something from one place to another will prompt a sale. We came home to spend some time by the firepit after supper, and to visit with our friend Jeff, who planned to bebout here early Saturday for the start of turkey season. He later told us that he called up 5 gobblers but didn't get a shot at any of them.

Larry has been repairing a rabbit hutch, getting ready to bring home some rabbits this week. We are looking forward to another source of meat, and especially to their droppings, which are just excellent for gardens.

So that's what we've been up to. Nothing exciting. I will leave you with a few photos from our booths. 

At Ripley:

And at Ravenswood:

See you next time!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. We once had an indoor rabbit — a story that I won’t get into now. I discovered that rabbits really fill a littler box. Cats have nothing on rabbits when it comes to pooping.

    1. Well, poop is what we want, lol! Awesome for gardens. We will see how this little venture goes.

  2. OK, what is that cage like thing that the watering-can is sitting on? I am completely baffled by it! You can answer here, for I will be receiving notifications.

    1. Hi Barb! Its a poultry cage, once used for transporting hens. Nowadays people make them into things like coffee tables.

  3. You have some beautiful views at your place. I always enjoy seeing what you have in your booths. My son rabbit hunts and sometimes brings them to us. Pretty good eating.

    1. Thank you, Michelle. One thing that is important to me is that we control our view. No one can build where we can see, except possibly up along the road.

  4. Nice to have your booths all organized I bet. We watched a few rabbits one year for a friend and our cats and dogs were very interested in coming with us when we fed them, I don't think the rabbits enjoyed that experience. Nothing happened and they went back to their owner after a few weeks. They were in a cage in our garage.

  5. I enjoyed your pretty pictures. Especially the scenery in these! I always enjoy your booth photos, and want every piece I I enjoy all your posts, I have been playing catch up with them. I love spring as well. It is lovely here this year. Annie


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