
Friday, June 16, 2023


53 this morning, wet after a thinderstorm at 5am, then clearing and windy. This evening another very brief shower. I'll take it though, as it looks like another dry week ahead.

Let's go back out to the gardens! The rain has done wonders for them, little as we got. I am not complaining, though. Some places got none.

This is "my" garden. I do most of the work in this one, although Larry does help when I need him.

Same garden, the bean patch with limas and snap beans.

Same garden again, with the row closest being late cabbage, then broccoli and Brussel sprouts,  then early cabbage, the row that was lettuce and chard and now has squash and peppers as well as a random tomato that came up, then beets and at the far end celery. 

Same garden, upper end which was planted later. Here are cucumbers on the arch on the right over the strawberry tubs.  There are squash in there somewhere too. A row of onions, with some limas that haven't come up planted close up to them so they will take the space when we pull the onions. Then 2 rows of peppers of various kinds, a row of snap beans,  then lettuce and radishes, and carrots closest to the road. On the far left are potatoes, with our new asparagus bed in front of them.

This is one of Larry's gardens, with the early corn, potatoes,  peas, and onions.

Here you can see the pease and onions. This evening, after the photo, he laid over the onion tops to let the bulbs develop and the necks dry.

Looking into my herb garden. I took these this morning, so thislittle garden was hoed out later, as was most of my big garden. 

The gate into the herb garden, which opens under the grape arbor.

Also in this rock-walled garden is our raspberry patch , rhubarb  and asparagus.  There is room for something else, but I haven't decided what yet.

And one of the flowerbeds, which used to have a red glass globe on that stand. Chalk that up to Buddy the dog.

I still need photos of Larry's other garden, the one with the tomatoes and later corn. Maybe next time.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Whenever you post of your extensive gardens, my back aches. 😀

    1. Ha! I can see why, but surprisingly my back does not bother me at all. My knees, though, that's another matter! My husband does occasionally complain about his back, but he has 2 new knees so at least he's good to go there.

  2. Is the row cover draped over your raspberries? I was just wondering if I should do that this year at the first sight of a Japanese beetle, instead of (or even in addition to) a daily visit with a jar of soapy water to knock them into, which I did last year. Ugh.

    1. Yes, it's raspberries, Quinn. The cover is not for bugs, though, but for birds. They don't share well!

  3. Good looking gardens, farmer Sue and spouse!

  4. There's plenty to do there and keep you busy. I would need some assistance because my knees aren't that good. Your gardens are very impressive looking. Enjoy the weekend!

  5. I think I have reached that point in life where gardens are fabulous - gardening not so much. I think Miriam feels the same way too!


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