
Monday, July 3, 2023


69 this morning, overcast and humid.

We finally got rain! A huge, noisy, windy, pretty scary thunderstorm that dumped a LOT of rain over about a half hour. The driveway was a river,  and the poor tomato garden, which is struggling anyway, looked like a rice paddy. Larry had just side-dressed all 100 plants, which took him a couple hours hoeing it in carefully. Within an hour or so here came the storm, so very likely all that work was for nothing. Ah me. Such is gardening.

Yesterday was a slow day for us. We pulled the rest of the beets and took them and an iron bedstead to our neighbor, who wanted both. They were sleeping in after a very late night so we just dropped the things off on our way to town.

I hadn't really wanted to go out, but a friend was having a popup shop this weekend and I wanted to show support. We had a lovely visit, and I came home with 2 pieces of Blenko glass to add to my collection. Actually, a couple other pieces will have to go to the booths, because I am committed to keeping my Blenko to the space currently allotted to it in our house.  

We both just rested for a few hours when we got home,  me reading and Larry napping. I am not a napper though I often wish I was! Later on I finished painting a cabinet, did some housework, cooked dinner and cleaned up after that, and that was it for the day. Larry did that fertilizing and that was all for him too. We had cooked squash, which I absolutely love, along with a casserolevand cantaloupe.  Simple and good. Our dog Buddy loved the squash too. I had cooked a lot so gave him a bowl of it and he just about sucked it up! What a weird dog.

We have been watching, off and on, the series Clarkson's Farm, which was a gift from our granddaughter.  Have you seen it? In the beginning we were appalled at the man's ignorance of farming! Seriously, how easy did he think farming was? Fortunately he found some very able and knowledgeable people to work for him, and he apparently has unending money to throw into it. It was interesting,  though, to see him learn, try new things, and the episodes about the sheep were not only hilarious but fascinating,  as I know nothing about raising sheep. Of course, neither did Jeremy Clarkson,  as was quite evident very quickly! I am looking forward to the new series when it becomes available.

I am reading 3 books simultaneously,  as usual. I am still slowly working my way through Slowly Down the Ganges, an older title published in the late 40s about a boat trip through India. I have almost finished a Dick Francis novel, another older title called To the Hilt. I do enjoy his writing.  I started the third, Miss Julia Makes Up Her Mind, the other day. Again an older title, and pretty funny so far.

Today we are also starting slow, getting up a little later than usual, cooking a nice breakfast, and enjoying coffee on the porch. Since more rain is forecast, it will be an afternoon of painting for me and furniture work for Larry. A nice break, actually.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Your entertainment looks interesting, and no, I'd not heard of that series. I've got STARZ for one month, and vowed to cancel it after am trying to watch all it's movies and shows by that time. Glad you go rain, but not a gully washer. Our thunderstorm was brief here, but we could hear other thunders for miles around afterward. Might have some tonight, but not so far.

  2. We watched the Clarkson Farm series and loved it. I hope they make a new season. We have been having constant rain and some storms. It seems like it is all or nothing with the weather. Also, I love your flea market finds from your previous post!

  3. There was a guy here who wrote articles or plays similar to your Clarkson thing. I even attended a one-person play that he did. Can't remember the name of it now because we're going back 20 - 30 years.

  4. You're not the first person in the world to be appalled by Jeremy Clarkson's ignorance, though you have to admit that the old rogue has found many ways of making money out of his ineptitude and rudeness - could have been a politician!

  5. We do not have a garden, but our neighbors do, and it took a pounding in a recent hailstorm. I've never hear of Clarkson Farm but will have to check it out.

  6. I listened to some of the "Miss Julia" series as audiobooks and found them entertaining - and like you, I am also reading a travel book from the past: "A Thousand Miles Up The Nile" by Amelia B. Edwards, first published in 1877. Republished last year by the Egypt Exploration Society (cofounded by Edwards and still going strong!) and a brick of a book. It was a birthday gift to myself :)


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