
Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Apples, Grapes, Friends, Furniture, Super Moon, Sunset and Wildflowers

62 with a few light clouds, crisp and cool this morning after yesterday afternoon's rain.

Much to do today: cook down these apples for applesauce, 

pick grapes 

make juice, 

meet a friend for lunch (forgot to take a photo, we were talking too much!), 

and finish this dresser. 

And it all got done. 

This was a good day. The only disappointment was the super moon, which wasn't so super due to the thin, high clouds. 

But the sunset was glorious.

I took my time coming home from lunch to stop and smell the flowers. Well, not really smell, but photograph some of the fall flowers in bloom along our road.

Common Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)

Wild Lettuce (Lactuca canadensis). Flowers are usually a pale lavender-blue in our area.

I am not sure of this one. Perhaps St. John's Wort? (Hypericum perfortum)

Jewelweed (Impatiens capensis)

Showy Tick Trefoil (Desmodium canadense). You will know you've run into this one when you find yourself picking hundreds of tiny, sticky green triangles off your clothing!

Wingstem (Actinomeris alternifolia). This is in great abundance along our road this year.

Wingstem and Ironweed (Vernonia altissima)

Wingstem lining the path down to our small watershed "lake".

Joe Pye Weed, one of my favorite fall wildflowers (Eupatorium dubium).

So much color! Joe Pye, Ironweed, Wingstem, and Evening Primrose here.

Wild Lettuce seed head. 

I think I will go back out and check on that moon.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Delicious and beautiful post. A nice good-bye to summer.

  2. All that work, and you have time to write a blog? Wow! Impressive.

  3. Being busy is healthy and good :-)) The sunset looks so beautiful, Sue.

  4. So many flowers! There was one place in the trails Piper and I used to walk where Joe Pye and Boneset grew together. Always struck me as a perfect combination.

  5. Hi Granny Sue, We do love and appreciate the flowers that grow wild along the highways and byways. Most folks don't even 'see' them. Thanks for identifying some of them for us. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  6. Looks like you had a very productive day. Love that sunset photo, it's a stunner.

  7. You are a busy woman! We have all of those flowers around here and I love them.

  8. I loved these! I saw some of them here this week too. I am terrible at identifying them. I saw a video on an ancient English castle this week, from the time of Henry the Eighth. Joe Pye was shown along a six foot high brick wall amid many beautiful flowers. That surprised me. Annie


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