
Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Getting Ready

40F this morning, heavy overcast, light rain midmorning. 

A this-and-that kind of day. All sorts of things to be done. Right now I am processing the turkey broth, and while waiting on the canner I did this: 

Fun and easy! My mother used to make clove oranges like this, but she would cover the entire orange, then put a ribbon around it to hang up. Mine are not quite as elaborate,  but it was a good way to use up a can of cloves I discovered in the cabinet, with an expiry date of 2012!

I started on this too:

Haven't gotten very far, as you can see! I decided to use my paperweights under the tree this year, to add a bit more sparkle.

Larry cut two nice roasts from his deer, so tomorrow we will have venison roast for Thanksgiving instead of the traditional turkey. I found a marinade recipe online from Alaska Fish and Game, so I mixed it up and the roast is soaking in it. 

Last night grandson James heard coyotes howling and the dogs were barking like crazy. He went out with a light and saw eyes glowing very near the chicken coop, so he shot in the air and the pack apparently cleared out. We will put the game camera down there tonight and see if they come back. The coop is pretty tight, but I am not happy about coyotes coming in so close.

Back to the kitchen I go. It's time to start on pies!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I hope your visitor/s stay away. Nobody needs coyotes that close to home.

  2. I know you're going to be making delicious things for the family! I have a pie in the freezer waiting to bake. Maybe tonight would be good, as it's chilly outside and will probably have a frost tonight.

  3. Oh! I was tempted to say the other day that you must not have much confidence in your deer hunters if you're not having venison for Thanksgiving. And now you are! Congratulations to the hunters. And I love the light showing through those paperweights at the base of your tree. A good collection and a good idea. Happy T-day! Or maybe I should say happy v-day! 😊

  4. Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. I will be interested in hearing how the roast turns out! We have a friend who lost 1/2 of their chickens to a bobcat last month. They finally took care of the problem but lost 6 birds in the end.

  6. Have a delicious and fun celebration, Sue!

  7. Very nice pics but scary coyotes. I once heard a pack in the country. There was much yipping. I don't know if they were getting closer or not, but I scurried back to the cottage with my camera gear.

    Oh yes, cloves tend to hand around forever.


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