
Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Plugging Away

56°f  this morning, about 14°C. Thunder and heavy rain. The rain lasted most of the day, with sun breaking through this evening at last.

A soggy, gray day here today, but I had a couple things to do that kept me busy. First up was taxes. I am almost done, just one little thing to figure out. The other task was listing 9 pairs of athletic shoes on Ebay. Not my usual sort of stuff! These belong to my youngest son, who sent them back with us for me to sell for him.

I did not know that there were shoe collectors!  But why wouldn't there be, when people collect pretty nearly every possible thing you can imagine. Athletic shoes are a pretty hot item, and my son had some worth a few hundred dollars.  So Momma learned some things about listing shoes today while Larry made the 5 hour round trip to the VA hospital for a routine eye exam and some podiatry.  Exciting times around here, as you can see.

Do you often have a song running through your mind? I swear my mind is a jukebox, that makes some very random selections! Today 's mental melody was the Wassail Song. You know the one..."here we come a-wassailing among the leaves so green..."  Larry said it must be my morning tra bringing out the English in me. Sarah was having breakfast with us, and asked if Wassail was English. 

Well, it is, sort of. I suppose it was the English who made it well-known at least in our times. But wassail's origins are actually Norse. I remember from my storytelling days that it was the Norse who brought it to England, and that it was a warm alcoholic drink that was consumed after the toast "Was Heil", which meant "good health".  The favorite vessel back there in the 4th century was the skull of one's enemy. I am very glad that part of the tradition died away (see what I did there?). 

So that was today's jukebox selection. Yesterday it was "Meet Me in St. Louie, Louie". I wonder what tomorrow's will be?

Can't end without a photo or two, so here are a couple more from our trip.

Evening on Tybee Island

Morning in Savannah

A little lighthouse on the way to Tybee

Leaving Savannah and wondering if that muggy air is pollution, swamp gas, or something else?

Along the interstate, wisteria goes wild

Traffic near Charlotte. This was fairly light, but from the South Carolina line to almost the Virginia line, traffic was unbelievable.  I hope we can find a better route next time.

Charlotte, NC

And finally, back in the mountains!

Pilot Knob, NC. Years ago we actually walked up that mountain.

In West Virginia

And our state Capitol, bathed in the sunset.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I often wake up with a song already stuck in my head.

    1. Yes! And sometimes I dream music I have never heard, or will ever hear again. So strange.

  2. I walk around daily with song music in my head. Sorry about that traffic, but doesn't it feel great to come into the mountains again after a trip to flat lands? There's a song in my heart! (a bit dramatic)

    1. Oh yes! Coming home is the best part of all.

  3. As interesting as some of those places are, I am with you and could not wait to retreat back to your mountain paradise where you can just live and isolate yourself from all that craziness.
    My internal jukebox has been playing Jellyroll's "Save Me" on loop for a while. I love the song so, it is not so bad.

    1. Exactly! So glad to be home, where traffic is often a gaggle of turkeys or a herd of deer. Much preferable!

  4. Ewwww, taxes - ours are due September...
    Jukebox!!! Funny thought!
    Nice trip you did, but wee, you went all the way up that mountain?!
    Thank you for sharing.
    According to files I once was in your country. My little Brother went instead, though, so... I´ve never been there yet!

    1. Ok, one day you have got to visit here, Iris! You will be amazed. The US is so different in reality from what the media portrays. As is true of most countries, I expect.

  5. My Mom introduced us to songs of her generation and we enjoy them and laugh out loud. Look up “One Meatball” and “Three Little Fishes.” I also have a soundtrack that plays in my head, but it’s generally 70’s music.

  6. I prefer the Wassail song to Louie. I just thought you'd be keen to know that. lol

  7. Nice photos but way too much driving.

  8. I think that collecting is a part of the human condition, and the strangest things are cherished by people. Some of those athletic shoes can be worth serious money, as perhaps you have discovered by now.


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