
Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Wordless Wednesday

42°f, or 5.5°C. Rainy, windy, overcast and much colder than yesterday's 72.

Linking up to Wordless Wednesday today.

Quiet corner in my kitchen

I think this is Juvenal's Duskywing  (Erynnis juvenalis). There were a dozen or more fluttering about on our driveway near a flowerbed. Apparently a very early butterfly.

Son Derek and his niece, our granddaughter Sarah. This photo says everything about their relationship.

Our friend Rachel with her Easter tulips

Saturday's FFA (Future Farmers of America) farm equipment auction. 

Our first batch of mollymoochers (morels) of the season.

See why they are sometimes called Wild Fish?

Chicken truck on the interstate. Poor chickens.

In our booth on Friday

Lazy dogs

That's all for today!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Poor chickens indeed. They don't live great lives, do they? But since I don't like many veggies . . .

    1. You are right. I don't want to come back as a chicken!

  2. Derek and Sarah do seem to hit it off. Poor chickens is right. Loved your garden and the flowers. Those morels do look delicious...though I've never tried them.

    1. Morels are a real treat, Barb. If you like mushrooms, you would love these.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you! They are sweet babies for sure.

  4. I have never heard morel mushrooms called that! It made me smile. I am enjoying your glimpses of spring. It is snowing here.😭

  5. Granny Sue, your beautiful photos paint such a vivid picture of your day!
    I especially love the dogs.
    Yes, poor chickens!

    Happy Thursday!

  6. The pups sure look comfortable! Those morels look awesome, it has been a few years since we have been anywhere we found some.

  7. I wish I was there to share those morels with you. Delicious!

  8. My wife, who is from Indiana, rolled her eyes with longing when I told her about your morels. She said she could taste them in her memory!


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