
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Back to the Booths

72°f this morning, and a high of 95°. Muggy, not a pleasant day at all.

I revamped the window at our booth a bit but only got a photo looking from the inside out.

A good shower overnight meant we did not have to water this morning, thankfully, but we will be out in an hour or two to turn on the sprinkler and carry buckets. It will be the routine until this heat breaks.

We started the day with a visit from our son Derek, to help Larry load that green cabinet in the van. Usually we can manage even very heavy pieces, but this time I had to cry uncle, as my back is giving me issues. But I bribed Derek with breakfast: blueberry apple pecan pancakes, with a mixed berry homemade sauce. We had a nice visit, dawdling over coffee on the porch.

Then it was off to take the cabinet to our booth. Unloading was no issue--it was those 5 steps at home that were a problem. Now it is in place and for sale.

We took in a few other things to add to our booths too, and did a little freshening up while we were there.

I have several pieces of Blenko Glass for sale here, some from my collection  Blenko has been made since the 1930s and is famous for their Midcentury art glass. This salad set was made by them.

One I just brought in from my collection.

And a recent find.

Blenko on the right, L.E. Smith center, Fenton on the left. All made in this area.

Blenko, Viking, Fenton.

Another Blenko piece.

This old camera is in working order, just needs film.

All kinds of tiny things make their way into this case.

Cool smoking pipes.  The one on the left is from Ukraine.

 Mother-of-pearl opera glasses.

I had 4 of these; this is the last of the lot.

Just odds and ends.

Coalminer's turtleshell hard hat is actually all leather. From the 1920s.

Fenton vase.

Last photo: old ironstone pitcher that I really would like to keep, but therevis this thing called lack of space!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Your spaces look so fun, the sort of place I would love to have a nosey through! Something very cool happened here. Remember that I told you about needing two chairs. I found them. Upstairs. In my own house! I forgot that I had them! I just need to paint them white!

  2. What a treasure trove your booth is!! So many interesting pieces.
    Nice that your son was able to help loading the heavy cupboard
    ( bribery in the form of delicious food works well, doesn't it!!).

  3. It's amazing the issues that can come up by doing just regular things. My wife's leg gave her a problem just walking up the stairs. Nice look at your items, I enjoy seeing them. Have a good week and stay cool.

  4. You have a lot of interesting things in your booth. I would think that your variety would keep the traffic stopping to see what you have. My uncle, aunt and another cousin used to work at Fenton glass.

  5. Gardens and booths keep you young.

  6. Beautiful things, all of which I covet but would have no room for!

  7. ...Susanna, I didn't know that antiques are a business for you. Mid Century Modern is my thing with some period pieces sprinkled in. I like art glass and pottery!!!

  8. You must know a little bit about everything! We are on the hunt for some old beer signs and neon. Every one else must be too as it is really hard to find!

  9. My daughter would go mad for some of that glass. And the set up is both charming and easy to scan. Nice work.


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