
Friday, August 9, 2024

Booth Day

Forgot to look at the temperature this morning, but we started off a bit cooler, and cloudy. A few tiny sprinkles of rain, and that was it. Not even enough to turn on the windshield wipers. 

We went to our booths today with a van loaded with totes, the mantel I have been working on, and a small bookshelf I painted last week. I only took photos at one location,  though; we need to go back next week to add Fall decor so I can get more then. We will probably go Tuesday, as we have another planned power outage in our area then. These are getting kinda old-- we seem to be having them every other week.

So here's a look at some of what our booths in Ravenswood look like now.

This is the mantle we brought in. It is pretty "rustic". It was apparent that it had a rough former life and has many dings, nail holes, etc. I decided paint was the best option as we had some wood repair to do.

On the mantle. Getting that Halloween vibe going. I know, I know, it is too early! I think so too, but apparently shoppers don't agree.

I have had this buffet for sale for at least 2 years. Everyone loves it but no one buys it. I decided to set it up as a bar, since it has a slate top. At $150, you would think it would sell, but here it still is.

We sold a flatware kitchen cabinet that was in this booth, but it wasn't difficult to fill the space!

This is kind of a cool picture. It is my window display, with the buildings across the street and the sky reflections. Oh, and me-- just saw that.

A few of the things we have outside:

While uploading these, I realized that I took no photos at all of one booth, but then we didn't change much in there.

It was good to get the window changed out. That is always a big job, so we were there early, before it got too hot to get in there. No fun working behind a big plate glass window in the sun.

Now, tomorrow's work:

Tomato juice is the plan. And a large limb broke from our old yellow apple tree, with about a 5 gallon bucket of apples on it, so I guess we will be doing applesauce too. Our friend with the high tunnels of tomatoes also let us know we can come and pick on Monday.  Obviously we don't need any, because we also have these ripening,

and many more on the vines,but my young friend does, so we will get some for her. Then Tuesday back to the booths, and one day this week I will probably be helping my friend who is moving, the grapes need to be picked and juiced... and so it goes. 

Have a great weekend!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. have an interesting assortment.

  2. Lots of interesting things. How do you keep track of all of your inventory?

  3. The variety amazes me. As does your produce. Wow!

  4. Plenty of intriguing articles!
    I am off to a friend's emporium just a four storey feed mill building, three floors of things to browse and be enticed..they call it "Nae Sae New"....Not So New..

  5. If I had space...
    But really, why do people always want what´s next? I enjoy every summer day and am sad when one ends.
    Love the trycicle I would hang it from the ceiling and smile each time I pass by!
    I adore your fruits and veggies (though I can imagine it´s a lot of work I would not want to do!).
    To a good weekend!

  6. You always have such great things and that window reflection shot is terrific! I remember all your tomatoes from last year. I'm still a tad bit jealous, not of all that work but I'm imagining the flavor come winter! Apples too!
    Annie, Ann Austin

  7. You are quite the collectors and vendors. Impressive.

  8. That is a lot of items you have but they are organized (I imagine they have to be). People love to walk around and see the different things. A lot of items trigger lots of memories at least for me. All those tomatoes look great and they taste great. Enjoy them and have a wonderful weekend.

  9. Great displays. Halloween is definitely of interest among my friends! What no Christmas nook yet? Oh those tomatoes! What a lot to turn to yummy juice, my mouth is watering! I liked your shot of the window, including yourself. Blue and white can't be beat!

  10. I imagine that you had a busy Saturday with the tomatoes and apples to deal with,
    I don't think it's too early to start thinking about Fall. I don't care for Halloween but I love Fall and now is the time to start looking for anything along that line.

  11. Your booth pictures are always a treat - almost like a shopping adventure except I can't touch anything :)

  12. That mantle will sell before you know it. I don't know if you remember, but it was just under a year ago we were looking for just such a mantle for our daughter's house. So hard to find just the right one. We looked at lots, but ended up repurposing one that she already had.

  13. I had the same orange enamel coffee pot seen in photo five for years! I bought it in the '60's from Habitat. Very envious of your tomato crop.


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