
Saturday, August 31, 2024

Rain at Last

72°f, about 22°C. Partly cloudy, very humid.

Ah, rain! We had a big lovely storm last evening. The hard rain only lasted about 15 minutes, but there were off and on all night. Heaven! More is predicted today, but I no longer believe the forecasts. We weren't supposed to get rain last night, according to the radar.

That green patch in the woods has stayed green despite the drought. So odd.

Still, what a relief. This storm appears to have been widespread so many areas got some much needed moisture.

What are your plans this Labor Day weekend, US friends? Anything exciting? I think we will be pretty low-key,  nothing at all planned except the usual.  Unless I get a wild idea. Could happen!

Meanwhile, yesterday we had planned to spend the day at our booths, but our friend Rachel had to take her car to the shop because something on the interstate bounced up and damaged her door. So we were out early to pick her up from the repair place and have breakfast. A nice treat, and a chance for her to relax. Not only is she moving in one week, but her sister became very ill and she has been back and forth to the hospital, and trying to find a long-term care place for her sister and her sister's husband, who has dementia.So stressful. We spent most of the day helping her clean out cabinets. My van is loaded both with booth stuff and her things to take to the thrift. We did eventually get to one booth so we got a few things out of the poor overloaded van.

And I finished my book, one I saw on Catalyst's page and decided to try. The Mayfair Book Shop
was a delight, a good story with interesting history, a little mystery, and just well written.  Ten stars. Thanks, Catalyst! Then I tried a J.K. Rowling I had picked up somewhere, The Casual Vacancy  Do not bother with this one unless you like depressing, gritty, sad tales with unlikable characters. Yuck. 

Time to think about breakfast. A lazy Saturday morning! Ending with a chuckle:

Oh, and one more. I found this at the bank ATM a couple weeks ago, apparently left by the last customer:

Who. In. The. World. carries such a balance in a checking account??? I laughed so hard. Sure wasn't my receipt!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. ...glad that you had rain, we had a dust settler this morning!

    1. That's good too! Right now any rain is welcome.

  2. So happy for your rain. We've had a bit yesterday, and will probably get some again today. Thank heavens they are bringing a cold front (if you can call it that) where temperatures during the day will be in the 70s next week. My friend hasn't been able to visit her partner with dementia for weeks because there were 20 people with COVID on the unit. Hopefully that has been resolved.

  3. Well, you finally received the rain you had on back order. Hope you are happy, the Rain Gods. :) Have a great weekend!!!

  4. Hooray...finally got some rain! Have a great weekend, Sue.

  5. We had a similar balance in my brother-in-law's estate account when we were consolidating various sources of money before giving out the bequests. I must admit that it looked very impressive.

    1. Well, that makes sense. I hadn't thought of that. I did think maybe they had sold a house or something. But aren't accounts only insured up to 100,000?

  6. Glad you enjoyed "The Mayfair Bookshop". I learned more than I ever knew about the Mitford family. It kept my interest.

  7. Oh Good! You got the much needed rain and it sounds like you got enough to saturate the ground. Happy September.

  8. I don't wouldn't mind a balance like that !!
    I wonder if the green patch is something to do with ground water tree shade?


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