
Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Almost Wordless Wednesday

32°f, 0°C, Foggy and beautiful this morning, slowly warming with melting snow and light drizzle most of the day.

Cicely Mary Barker's Snowdrop Fairy, just right for February. I don't have any snowdrops, but maybe next year?

I finally caught what AC calls "the blue hour", although it was more like 15 minutes here. But so pretty!

On the deck this morning.

On the porch

Best friends, both 16 this year.

Floodwaters last Thursday. It was pretty bad in some areas of West Virginia, but our county just had high water and I did not hear of any flooded homes. Thank goodness.

Next project. It's very old, but what ugly paint.

More fridge cleanout. Cobbler made with leftover cranberry sauce, a cup of leftover cherry pie filling, 2 pears that needed used up, some canned peaches and a couple canned pears. Yum yum.

John's post for today:

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I don't think I have ever made a cobbler. Yours looks yummy!

  2. Stay inside until late April or early May. It *will* get warmer.

  3. A cobbler with biscuit topping looks good...I've usually used crumbs of something or oats and so forth. What great fruits you mixed together. Yummy. Glad that flooding wasn't damaging. We're almost through with one full day of rain which may last till noon tomorrow. I'm going to lunch no matter.

  4. That blue hour shot is really beautiful. That cobbler looks so good.

  5. -3C/26F, I am sick of this... And snowdrops... my parent´s garden was full of them. Here none. Very beautiful, your blue hour, and the resting couple, so cute. I´d like to cuddle up somewhere warm, too...

  6. ...I love the Snowdrop Fairy, just snow here this morning.

  7. Cobbler used to be my go-to quick bake treat years ago, and now I think it's time to get it back in rotation! Thanks for reminding me :)

  8. The snow is so deep right now that Snowdrops are an impossibility, but maybe they are poised to pop up whenever the time is right. It makes me very happy when first I see them.

  9. Glad you aught the blue. You're right about it not being an hour. It can be a good time to shoot urban lights -- they come on but it isn't pitch back yet.

  10. I have all those Flower Fairy books from when I was little. I love those pictures. My books are well used! No snowdrops available here yet, snow is up to my knees.... and well above a snowdrop's knees! It's a snow day today, schools and buses cancelled. Ahhhhh winter!

  11. The cold, the snow, the ice, the flooding. So many areas being really hit with nasty difficult weather. Getting quite dark here at the moment. Looks like rain at any minute. Stay warm. The blue picture is quite good, though I'm not a fan of snow.

  12. That "Blue Hour" photo is a great one. You managed to hit it right.
    I had so many of Cicely Mary Barker's books but sent them all to my sister last year. Now I miss them.
    Your "kitchen sink" cobbler must have been amazing with all that fruit in it.

  13. A little bit of something for everybody, I see, Granny Sue. We have the COLD here in the Netherlands but not the snow. Still holding my breath that we might get some...even though it IS Valentine's Day when we're already thinking of Spring. BTW, I was born in Lynchburg, VA, your neighbor, back in June, 1945. :)

  14. Love to spend some time on the deck, with all that ice around.

  15. I love the Art Deco artwork. I had versions of the Oz books with drawings like that and the child I was was enthralled by the delicacy and accuracy. I thought.
    Hmm. Frig clearout here would probably end up with stew. Or pizza. JG inhales any fruit around and I am in trouble if I go for his bananas. We are not Buying Canadian if it means foregoing fruit.


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