
Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Weather I Have Seen

73°f at 7 a.m., about 22°C. Humid, already too miserable by 11 to be outside. 

This was taken Tuesday, in town. It reached 100°f shortly after I took the photo. At home, it only reached 95°.

Some places not far from us got a rain shower yesterday evening, but once again it missed us. I have never seen such a drought. Someone mentioned the drought years of 1988-1990 in our region, but that was nothing like this.

You know, in my lifetime I have seen hurricanes, derechos,  ice storms, blizzards,  temperatures as low as -30f, years when the snow piled up so deep it was months before our road could be cleared. Even a couple tornadoes touched down very close to us, a rare thing. I have seen terrible floods, too, and there have been wildfires which caused terrible smoky days but were over 50 miles away. But this is the first serious drought I can recall. It makes me wonder what other weather phenomenon may happen before I check out? I mean, what's left? 

Still, life goes on, although honestly I am feeling depressed and stressed as this weather continues. We have 3 more days of near 100° ahead of us and it just feels like we are under a heavy weight. Even when the temperature breaks, the chance for rain is very slim.

However.  We went over the river to Ohio the other day to pick up (another) washer, and it was, if possible, even drier over there. The field corn and soybeans are already drying up, far too early, and they look stunted. Even the trees are in worse shape than ours, so yellow already.

I guess this fellow dried right up! Seen along the way in Ohio.

Everywhere the grass is crunchy underfoot. Larry continues to water, spending a hour or two every morning and evening hauling buckets to plants, shrubs, and fruit trees, and running the waterers in the gardens. Just trying to keep things alive.

I think this might be pretty accurate!

It helps to laugh a little!

I have been working inside, mostly researching and pricing things for the booths, and painting this dresser. I am really liking the gray color, and am doing the top in a deep brown. 

Larry is working on this dressing table, sanding and regluing what needs it. 

It has a lovely big round mirror to go with it, so vintage 40's. I am thinking to do it in a pale green with white drawers...or should I paint it to match the dresser? Style-wise they don't match, but maybe?

Today I will be in the kitchen again. I have blueberries thawed out to make into pie filling, green peppers from Ohio to stuff for the freezer,  and I plan to make more of these pickled vegetables that are hands-down delicious. 

The friend who sent it to me said these veggies were the perfect for a pasta salad, and she was right. Later edit: I should havevsaud that I changed this recipe significantly, because I did not feel it was safe as written. I used much less water, making the water to vinegar a 3 to 1 ratio. I also added a little basil and oregano,, and added 1/8 tsp. of Pickle Crisp to each jar. The brine tastes very much like Italian dressing. I didn't add the oil, though. That seems risky to me, as it could prevent the jars from sealing. And I would question the safety of waterbath canning with that much oil in the jars. It can always be added later, I think. But honestly we like these just fine without the oil. 

So off to the kitchen I go, thanking the gods for air conditioning!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. The weather sounds very intense with not getting any rain and the temps so high. I hope it gets better for you, stay cool.

  2. ...that dressing table os a classic and thanks for the laugh.

  3. I remember my mother having a dressing table like that with a big mirror. She died in 1953 so it must have been new in the 40's.

  4. Ugh. I know exactly what you mean. The heat just saps your will to exert yourself even the tiniest bit. But that dressing table is a thing of beauty. I can't wait to see what you do with it.

  5. We finally have some hot summer days..but not enough of sunshine. Those global warming underwear are just fun.

  6. I can't imagine living with your hot and dry weather. It would get me down too. Thankfully you have A/C .
    That dressing table will look great once you're finished with it๐Ÿ’—.
    Here's hoping you get a good rain soon.

  7. It hardly seems possible now that 6 foot snowdrifts blocked the road between Grantchester and Cambridge as recently as the 1980s. On the rare occasions that it has snowed recently mothers and fathers had to teach their children how to make snowmen. Now I come to think about it my granny (Mum's mother) was still wearing long knickers like the 1900 version in the 1980s. Wise woman.

  8. We've had temps around 100 F for the last few days, but a storm came through last night and it should be cooler for the next few days. A welcome relief that I hope you get soon.

  9. Our pasture is crunchy as well, but Barb said we got 3/4" a day or so ago. The sloughs out here in North Dakota are drying up too.

  10. I think I would go mad in that kind of weather, but I will probably complain about snow and winter come January.


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