
Sunday, May 6, 2007

What I Saw Today

1. A jack-in-the-pulpit growing very near the place we planted a weeping willow tree this morning. (No storyteller or balladeer can not have a weeping willow tree--they are mentioned so often in song and story, and there is a wealth of folklore about them). The jack was a small one, all green with no purple striping. It's the first one I've found on our land, although I have found them down in the Hawk Hollow behind our house.

2. A robin's nest in the twig wreath over the door to the log room. My sons call that wreath my "bad hair" wreath, but I love it. I made it about 5 years ago, twisting grapevine and sticking in stems from a spirea bush. It hung inside the log room until last year, when I decided it would look better outside. The robin seems to like it. I'll post a photo when I get a chance to take one.

3. A girl in a red satin evening gown and a Mickey Mouse hat at Wal-Mart this afternoon. I have no idea. Where is my camera?

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