2. The canister set is Ransburg, made in Indiana; this particular type, handpainted, was made between 1930 and 1950. Mine set of 4 came out of a box of junk at the auction, and matches my cookie jar that belonged to my ex-husband's great-aunt Eva.
3. Flour sifter with apples, made by Bromwell's in the 1950's. Several just like it are on eBay right now, not too expensive.
4. Yellow mixing bowl and wooden spoon. As I said in the comments last night, I believe the bowl is McCoy's although it's not marked. I checked out a book on McCoy pottery last night and there were items very like it listed, called ringware; probably made in the 1920's. It's big, at least 5 or 6 quarts I'd guess.
5. Egg beater in measuring cup. Many people refer to these as mayonnaise mixers; people made their own mayonnaise for years and I still do it occasionally. It's so simple to make. Hmmm. Another post there? These come in various sizes, and there are some with Depression-glass measuring cups that are very pretty.
6. This is the one no one got! It's an egg whip, used to beat eggs but I think it makes them lighter. You can read about how to use one to make hot chocolate (to beat the mixture, no egg involved!) in this old cookery book on Amazon.
7. Apple/Pear corer and slicer. This thing works wonders! Just center it over the core and push down and voila! sliced, cored fruit in seconds.
8. Canning funnel, with a wide mouth that fits neatly into regular-mouth canning jars. Mine is not really old--I bought it new in the early 80's, but it is dark blue speckled graniteware so it looks old.
9. Citrus juicer. I've noticed that these are coming back in style. They certainly work well. I have a smaller one in green Depression glass that is made to fit over a measuring cup, but alas, no cup--yet.
10. Canning jar lifter, and a mighty handy gadget it is when you've got hot jars to deal with. Somehow I ended up with three of these. I gave one to my daughter-in-law, but still have an extra.
11. Ice pick. I don't use it for that purpose, although i have many memories of Dad buying ice by the block at Mifco in Manassas on July 4th, and chipping away at the ice in washtubs of cold drinks and melons. I use it for all sorts of other things, but so far not for ice.
12. Pastry blender and biscuit/doughnut cutter. There is a little removable center piece in the cutter that cuts out the doughnut hole. This is one of those tools that works absolutely perfectly for its purpose. The pastry blender is indispensable for those recipes (like biscuits) that call for cutting in the butter or shortening. I usually buy them when I see them at a reasonable price because these old ones work better than the newer version (I had one of those first). So far I've supplied all 5 sons and a granddaughter with them, I think.
13. Cheese slicer. These are still widely available too; I like this one because of its red roller.
14. This is one that no one got, and that surprised me because we have several jam and jelly makers here. This is a jelly skimmer, used to skim the foam off of jams and jellies before jarring them up. You know the part of the recipe that says "stir and skim?" This is the tool you'd use. I ended up with three of these too and gave one to a daughter-in-law, but this big one is my favorite. It's just steel and not fancy but it's very serviceable. My other is dark blue graniteware. I'm waiting on another daughter-in-law or granddaughter to get the jam-making bug!
15. Rocking double-bladed chopper. You rock it back and forth in a bowl to chop herbs and other food. Works great for eggs, potatoes, etc.
16. Ice cream scoop, aluminum and made in one piece so it won't break. I'm not sure of the vintage but I'd guess 30's to 50's based on the design of the handle and the color.
17. Nutmeg grater--someone mentioned that their mother used theirs only for nutmeg and as far as I know, that's all most people use it for. Works so well and your nutmeg has much more flavor when fresh-grated.
18. Last is the 4-way chopper. It works well too although I prefer the rocking chopper. I would bet this had a special purpose, like slicing eggs into quarters, but I've not investigated yet to find out.
19. The tablecloth is vintage 1950's; I consider these tools too, because it protects the table while just looking pretty.
That's the list, I think. Did I miss anything?
Top quizzers: Rainbowdreamer and Janet with 13 correct each, Laura with 12, and CityMouse with 11. Good job, all!
I found this interesting site on Hall's Kitchenware: http://home.att.net/~hallchina/index.htm
ReplyDeleteI've looked up some info on my pitchers and will post later.
Thanks for the fun quiz.
Hi Susanne. I'm trying to figure out where the jelly skimmer is. Is it that thing to the left of the ice cream scoop? I can only tell that there is a curved handle and can't tell what it looks like on the other end. I'm one of the jelly makers and I didn't know there was such a thing as a jelly skimmer. I alway use my spoon to skim with.Now that you mentioned the 4 way chopper and rocking chopper, I can make them out in the picture. I have those too, but didn't know what they were called. I've got a little post about my old kitchen gadgets that I'm going to post in a few days.
ReplyDeleteThe picture looks clear on my computers, Janet, but it could be the resolution--and of course different size screens look different. The jelly skimmer is sort of in the center, gray metal with a long hooked handle and a round flat head with holes in it (sounds like i'm describing someone I don't like!).
ReplyDeleteOooohhhhhh, a rocking cutting knife! How neat is that? It looks easy to use too. But I can't get the shape of the 4-way cutter, and an ice cream scoop...well I guess that was my duh! But I feel better that no one else knew what the egg whip was, umm you'll have to show me how this works. This was fun, what's next?
how great!
ReplyDeletei have a juicer like that...a new one though! when we moved into our home i said i wanted 'an old fashioned juicer' my swampy went to the old fashioned hardware store round the corner and got me one!
The four-way is like an X, Julie, but you're right, it's not really clear in the photo. I see why those eBay folks take so many pictures!
ReplyDeleteI'll look out for a rocking cutter for you--I run across them sometimes at sales. I'm looking for a single-blade one myself.