
Wednesday, April 3, 2019


The daffodils have been gorgeous this year. Maybe it was the very wet fall and winter, or maybe it was the bone meal-blood-meal-wood-ash combination I fertilized them with last year. Whatever, they've been so pretty.

We seem to have them everywhere. Years and years ago I planted quite a few, and they have spread to places I never planted them. I don't have photos but there are daffodils in the woods and even in a briar patch at the top of our driveway. They've naturalized themselves, it seems.

These did not bloom for the past several years. I convinced Larry not to mow them over until June so the leaves could feed the bulbs well. And that fertilizer mix may have helped too. These have been here for well over 30 years.

I lke this one with its small orange "face."

Well hello, Clyde! He had to get in the pictures---most curious cat ever!

Not daffodils! The lettuce bed is doing well, the radishes not so much. The onions are curled from hitting against the glass cover, which is now officially retired for the year. We put a wire cage over the bed though, to keep the deer and the cats out.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

1 comment:

  1. They've done well here too, though they are mostly finished now apart from one or two late-flowering varieties. As the old folk song says:
    The primrose blooms
    And the cowslip too
    The violets in their sweet retire
    The roses shining through the briar
    And the daffadowndillies that we admire
    Will die and fade away.


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