
Friday, June 19, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 96: Firepit Time and Elderflower Wine

60 this morning, foggy and drizzly but eventually cleared off to a beautiful day.

The days seem to go by so quickly! I was surprised to realize this morning that we hadn't been out since Sunday. The week has been a blur--gardens, gravel, refrigerator, hauling the lumber from a neighbor's torn-down garage, cooking and baking. We have been making time most evenings for firepit time, and it's been good for us. We can both keep right on working up to dark if we don't make ourselves stop. While it gets things done, is it really worth wearing ourselves out? Especially now, when there are no real deadlines for most of our projects anyway.

The firepit patio. Such a nice place to spend a long evening.

The learning to slow down has been one of the main lessons of this pandemic, at least at our house. There are many others, certainly--learning to let go of income possibilities that require being out in public, to not see friends and family for long periods of time, to wear a mask when out among people, hand-washing and sanitizing if we do go out...the list is endless, it seems. But for us, taking downtime is a big change.

Today we had to go out, but we stopped at a little park along the Ohio River, and just sat in a swing there, watching the river roll by, birds darting and fish jumping, a few boats passing. To do nothing but sit and look is a new skill I'm taking a liking to. There is so much to see in this world, and so much beauty all around us.

On the way home I spied a patch of easily accessible elderberry bushes in full flower. Yes! I've been keeping an eye out for some because I want to make elderflower wine. I used to make it back in the 70's and remembered its golden color and unique flavor, and was thrilled when I stumbled upon the An English Homestead blog and found the same recipe that I used to make! I ordered some wine yeast and it came very quickly, and made sure I had all the other ingredients on hand--water, sugar, lemon juice, and raisins. All I needed was the flowers.

So now my batch is brewing. We'll see how it comes out, and if it is as good as I remember. I even went online and found the old book I used to use (mine fell apart), Homemade Wines: How to Make Them by Peggy Hutchinson. Maybe I'll try a few more recipes this summer, after I see how this one turns out.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Beautiful yard and fire pit area! There is no place for one here, and I sure miss it. When we were up at the cabin my SIL & I both wanted a fire, but it hadn't rained recently, and was just too dangerous. Of course it poured rain for hours the night before we left...
    Friends in RB make elderberry pie and jelly. Wonder if I can sweet talk them into trying wine...

  2. The best day Sue, love visiting. :)

  3. I have a very old copy of her 'Homemade Wine Secrets', and I made the Stout in it, after I'd researched what 'Jap' (one of the ingredients) was - I feared the worst, with a name like that, but it turned out to be liquorice - and the stout was really good, so I expect your wine will be too!

  4. Looks like a lovely outside area. Enjoy.

  5. I have a favor to ask: can you tell me the Latin name of the elderflower you are using? I've often thought of making elderflower syrup - not alcoholic by itself, but a concentrate to add to drinks, with or without alcohol. I have a shrub growing here that I have always identified as a Sambucus, but I don't know which one it is - in fact I may even be wrong about the Genus. Anyway, I'd love to know which plant is the right one to use, if you have time to let me know. I know you are busy!


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