
Thursday, June 18, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 95: Bread and Jam

68 this morning and overcast. The day has been a mix of showers, sun, and clouds.

The gravel man was back today with 2 more loads for our road, with one more to come tomorrow. It's looking grand. Checking another to-do off the list.

It was bread and jam day for me. I made two large batches of cherry jam from the cherries picked from our little tree.

There are more on the tree, but I think we'll leave them for the birds. The jam came out beautifully and is now safely tucked away in the root cellar.

It was also bread-making day, as we used the last slices for breakfast toast. I have hit upon a way to make good bread with the soft flour I bought by accident (50 pounds of accident!). I use 9 cups of flour, 1/4 cup of wheat germ and 3-4 tablespoons of gluten, and the bread comes out really nice. You know I had to have a piece warm from the oven, with a bit of that cherry jam!

So my day was in the kitchen. I used leftover chicken from yesterday's roast chicken in fried rice for dinner; with garden greens and a garden salad, it was perfect. I put our good eggs in the fried rice too, along with some of Larry's green onions. So tasty! I do enjoy using the food we grow.

Other than that, no real news today. Just a homey, busy day of baking and cooking and preserving.

In national news, however,  I have been happy with two recent Supreme Court decisions this week, something to smile about after weeks of bleak news. The protection of LBGTQ people against discrimination, and the DACA decision were both surprising, and made me hopeful that maybe, just maybe, the tide is turning in this country. We shall see. After the riots and protests and anger, these decisions were rays of sunshine for me. When one has immigrants and LBGTQ people in the family, these decisions suddenly have personal impact.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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