
Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 114: Remembering To Be Grateful

72 again this morning, hot sunny day.

We were up and out early to get into the gardens. Larry tilled the corn and I cleaned up the kale, cutting old and damaged leaves for the chickens. Then I made breakfast while he ran the weedeater around the electric fences. With temperatures still getting into the 90's it's important to get outside work done as early as possible. We can get back out in the evenings, thank goodness. We're still watering as rain isn't in the forecast until at least Friday.

The little walled garden is doing pretty well, although my herbs are growing so slowly! I'm impatient for some dill and basil.

When we were growing crops for sale, weather ruled our lives. We had a spring as our water source then so rain was vitally important. So many summers we'd watch our tobacco and other crops suffer through long hot July days. There was nothing we could do except wait. I don't miss the stress of those days! Today it's just our vegetable and flower gardens, and we have a bountiful well for watering. I empathize with the farmers and growers, though, who are dealing with the heat this month. At least the first cutting of hay was good.

The rambling rose continues to bloom despite the hear.

Our state's virus numbers continue to rise at an alarming pace for such a small population. The governor's mandate to wear masks is being ignored by many people who see it as an infringement of their rights rather than as something to help others. It's a sad situation. The 20-29 year-olds are the group getting the virus more than even the elderly now. So it looks like we will continue to hunker down as we have been, and hope that common sense will someday return. Right now that looks doubtful.

But there are some small bright spots in our quiet days. My marigolds are thriving in their planter on the porch, and we had our first new potatoes today, so delicious. And I have my July teacup--just my Jadeite cup and saucer, but I do love it.

The tomatoes are setting on, and so are the cucumbers. We're getting some tiny squash, and today I put up beets--only 4 pints but we planted a short row. Flowers are blooming all around us, and there are birds everywhere. I look each day for these little things to remind me to be grateful for the good like I am able to have despite the troubles our world is facing.

Food diary: breakfast--eggs, grits, applesauce, toast. Snack--scones. Dinner: new potatoes in parsley butter, kale, grilled chicken breasts, sliced tomatoes.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. It's hot here, as well. There's something so charming about Jadite. You probably have other pieces, do you? -Jenn

    1. I have a few Jenn, but not many. A serving bowl and 4 mugs that are new. Also a new butter dish. Cheap! Oh and a sugar Bowl and creamer that I have to hide from hubby because he would surely break them! The other has its I find goes in the booths where it is safe. :)

    2. Yes, a few. Some newer and some old. Most of what I find goes to the booths for sale though. Around here it would be in danger from my bull in the China shop hubby. :)

  2. We've had a "wet" week here, though mostly it's been a threat of rain which usually has amounted to no more than a brief shower, and in between showers there's been very light drizzle. I fear that after a day or so or sunshine it'll look as dry as ever.

    1. I am hoping for some rain this weekend. But it doesn't look too hopeful.

  3. Rambling roses are lovely! Have you ever done a feature on them? Would love to know more about them.

  4. I haven't yet! Food idea for a future post though. Thanks!

  5. It is good to be grateful isn't it, I have started writing down three things I am grateful for each day. It is a lovely way to reflect on the day. Like John are summer days are cool and wet, temperatures are around 50 here, I think my plants would like it to be a bit warmer!


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