
Wednesday, October 12, 2022

In the Gardens Again

48 this morning, mostly cloudy. Rain expected tonight. Saw 2 butterflies today, which seems very late for them. Stinkbugs arrived this week, sadly. The trees are really beginning to show color now.

Yesterday and today have been garden days. Yesterday we got out the tiller and got the ground ready to plant about 30 iris tubers. I should have had the soil ready long ago but I can't start the tiller anymore, which means I have to wait for Larry to do it for me ...and that can be a long wait as so many other this sometimes take priority,  at least on his to-do list. But I got it done and planted. Now the truck is to keep the cat from digging them up. I sprinkled red pepper around the tubers after planting, thinking that might discourage him but this morning I found 2 he had already dug up. Thinking I need to order some kind of mesh cover to keep him out. It's a good thing we love that cat! He is really such a character but this little trick of his I do not like.
The other day I put bird netting over the kale and chard the deer had eaten, and already I can see new leaves sprouting. 

 I wandered a bit in that garden today, finding a few peppers,  a tomato and a sprig of dill. The celery needs to be cut, so will do that this afternoon or tomorrow. Itvis nice to still have a few fresh veggies coming in. The renegade squash continues to put out about a dozen squash every other day, just amazing. Look how it has taken over that part of theeverywhere.

 And little baby squash everywhere.

Today I finally planted the asparagus I started from seed. I hope it is not too late.  I put down cardboard, then rotted hay for mulch so I hope that will protect the tender little plants over the winter. 

The parsley and chives are still doing great. The black raspberries behind them are a jungle though. I need to look up when is best to transplant them so I can get them under control.

The onions and garlic I planted last month are coming up, but it's a mess as the cat has dug around in that plot so much that everything is scattered. And it is so dry! That's a canna that came up from seed in the background.

The dill I sowed is up too, and I am hoping against hope that it will at least get big enough to be able to pick a bit of it. I planted it 6 weeks ago but the drought weve had really delayed germination. Ah well, it was a thought.

A few photos from around the place:

That's the celery wrapped in brown paper.

I grew this little chrysanthemum from a piece that broke off another plant. I just stuck it in the dirt and kept it watered for a while.

There was a butterfly on this Salvia plant but I don't think I caught him in the photo.

A geranium on the deck, still looking pretty.

And lastly, deer damage. This garden was such a beautiful spot. But notice that they didn't touch the lavender. Not to self: plant more lavender!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I always enjoy a walk through your garden. And that is always good advice I think plant more lavender!

    1. This is Nancy and I don't know how I managed to post anonymously LOL

  2. You sure have been busy. It's nice to see all the work you have done and hopefully everything will come about for you. Enjoy the day!

  3. Great looking photos of your garden...thanks for walking us through it. You've got abundant zinnias still I see.


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