
Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Catching Up

34 this morning, with patches of heavy frost. Some area had a hard freeze, but we were lucky to suffer no frost damage the last three very cold nights.

Finally a few minutes to write. We have had a very busy time since I last wrote so this is a catch-up post.

Let's see, where to start? I last posted on Saturday morning, I think. We left home just before noon to go to the Capitol Market in Charleston. It was a dual purpose trip, as we arranged to meet Larry's twin sister and her husband there for lunch. We had a nice visit, and I came home with, um,  a few plants.

The market was hopping, a very happy place to be.

We stopped in Ripley for a light supper and soon learned that it was prom night. Pictures were being taken on the courthouse lawn and elsewhere. What a pretty sight, all the young ones so dressed up. And at the same time, a group taking wedding photos

Runaway bride?

We spent Saturday evening visiting friends and stopped to see our son at one of his favorite hangouts before finally coming home. Sunday we worked on getting this mantle in place in our living room. We hadhad it for sale in one of our booths for a year, and I could just see it on this wall, so home it came.

Later we drove out ourvroad to pick pokeweed,  or poke salad as some people call it. it is one of the most delicious wild greens. We had some for supper, and I froze the rest. To be safe poke must be boiled in clean water and drained 3-5 times before eating, but it is worth the trouble to me.

See all those dead stalks? A strong indicator that there might be some poke growing in this spot. It typically grows where the soil has been disturbed sometime in the past couple years. We missed this patch last year, but therevis plenty this year so we will go back tomorrow to get more.

Monday I did some transplanting in our little greenhouses, then cooked in preparation for friends from Philadelphia who were spending the night on their way to a storytelling festival in Kansas. We had a delightful visit; it has been at least 6 years or more since we were last together! I made potato leek soup, cornbread, tossed salad and a fruit salad. Then we were outside for some firepit time and talked, talked, talked. 

My friend Megan and me. And Buddy, a photobomber of the first order.

After they left this morning we went to another friend's home to help her dig up and thin out her daffodils. We had a lovely lunch and a nice afternoon working in her flowerbeds. 

Then it was home to for Larry to cut grass and for me to plant cabbages, Brussel sprouts and broccoli this cool evening. Tomorrow we will be planting all those daffodils.

So all good things! I do love this time of year, so filled with possibilities and growing things.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. You do live an active life with family, friends and flowers.

  2. Thanks for catching us up. I know this is a busy season for gardeners!

  3. Sounds like you have plenty to do and keeping busy.


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