
Saturday, April 22, 2023

Gardens Again

48 this morning, cloudy and raining. We were glad to see the rain, it was much needed after a hot dry week.

Well, back to my favorite topic today. You know, it seems that I have reverted back to my original love, gardening. After years of working, becoming a librarian, then a storyteller, these days the thing that I most enjoy is my gardens. I have no drive or ambition anymore for any other purpose. I love our booths and that part of our life but the gardens are my soul. Funny how many people seem to go the same way in their later years.

So Here's a look at this past week.
This is the volunteer Columbine, apparently seeded from the one plant I bought last year. It has found a home in a tiny crevice between the stone wall and the sidewalk.

This the beginning of my new rose garden. I dug it up and will give it another dig before more plants go in. There are already 3 roses in here.

The clematis has bloomed. This vine is at least 25 years old, but because of the shade from the maple it has never gotten very large. Still, it soldiers on.

An herb garden is going to go in here. We are fighting back a honeysuckle on the fence, which killed the rambler rose. We cut back everything around fence and will keep cutting it all summer.

Another project in progress. I need more pea gravel to cover area between mulch and path. 

New iris bed i planted last fall is doing all right, if I can keep the dogs out. Dogs and gardens: the struggle is real.

The large bed by the drive is doing well this year. I use a mix of blood meal, bone meal and wood ash as fertilizer on my gardens.

Ummm, yeah, this is one of the new irises. You can see where my dear old yellow lab has been lying down. So I put in a stake in hopes of discouraging her. Linking up with Floral Friday! 

My veggie garden. Larry's is one you might just be able to see a former of on the upper right. We both work in them of course, but I tend to do most if the work in this one and he does the other.

The old apple in full bloom. This is a Rome apple.

And the younger apple, its bloom almost over. I believe this is a winesap.

A beautiful day in the neighborhood, and a candidate for Skywatch Friday, I think? Linking up so go check out all the great photos there.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. A true gardener you are, as is my wife. I love all you have done and appreciate your work.

  2. Your garden is looking lovely and the weather looks perfect for the gardening work.

  3. Great to see a green thumb being active! Thanks for sharing photos when you've washed off that thumb!

  4. Very impressive. I got into it in my early 50s, but I have back issues, so …

  5. Oh my, you take gardening to a whole new level. I am getting tired just reading about all the gardening you do. I like working outside, but our ground is too hard for any gardens like that. The deer would also decimate it overnight. Can't wait to see yours when it is in its prime!

  6. Raining here today, too. It's lovey to see so much gardening happening. You and Tipper are always way ahead of me in terms of when gardening season starts, and this year I may hold off even longer than usual - we are still having such big fluctuations in temperature, even dropping below freezing at night. The cold nights make the mornings pleasant and brisk, which the goats and I appreciate.

  7. Fun and fortunate to be able to do something that gives you so much pleasure. Beautiful photos!

  8. I love this. I am retiring from teaching in December of this year and I cannot wait to devote all of my days to my gardening habit.

  9. I love every single one of these photos! My own herb garden is one of my favorite areas of my yard.


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