
Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Breakfast at Granny's, Cabins, and Tomatoes

66 this morning, mostly clear. It has been a nice week but getting hotter and more humid each day. Reached 89.7F today.

We have had company for breakfast the past two days. Yesterday it was our friends from Arizona and granddaughter Hannah and her two little ones, today was our son Derek. Yesterday was omelets again, with peppers and onions from the garden, cheese, and some chanterelle mushrooms we had found the day before. Not everyone wanted the mushrooms, as they can sometimes cause a reaction. But we love them, and Don was game to give them a try. Of course we had fried potatoes and sliced tomatoes from the garden too, because it is that time of year. Nancy stayed for the day to visit, and helped finish painting a china cabinet while I cleaned up elderberries and prepared them for jelly-making. We had picked them on our road the other day. It has been years since we have some ripe elderberries before the birds got them. 

Today the movers arrived to put the second half of Sarah's cabin in place, so our son Derek was here bright and early to be on hand for that. A simpler breakfast today, just fried eggs, rosemary bread toast, sausage, and coffee. It was good to have a visit with our son before the movers got here. They arrived an hour and a half late, but it didn't take long to get the xabin set up. Next step is welding the 2 halves together and getting doors, windows, and roof on.

After the movers arrived we lit out, to go pick more tomatoes. Don't throw your hands up in despair! These were not all for us. I made 50 quarts of tomato juice and 20 of pasta sauce with that big lot the other day. We still had 3 bushels left, so we gave them to our neighbor T, along with another peck or 2 of cucumbers from our vines that will not quit producing. Then our friend Mark, who raises 8 greenhouses of tomatoes every year, messaged that we could come get whatever we wanted. We usually get tomatoes from him (for free!) earlier in the summer, but this year he decided to continue selling longer and we didn't think he would have any for us. Thus the trip to Ohio.

We didn't want to chance losing this connection, so we figured we'd go pick a few. Then remembered our friend Patricia said she wouldn't be able to get any tomatoes because she has too much on her plate this year re caregiving for family members. So we went and picked about 5 bushels for her, and kept a half bushel to make a little more salsa and Jenn's chili sauce

Some of you were curious about Don's vertical-log cabin, so I asked Nancy if she could send a photo that I could share here. 

Don and Nancy leave for the long drive home to Arizona tomorrow, but plan to be back again next summer. It has been good to have had them here for the past month.

Tomorrow I will be in the kitchen again, doing up this bunch of tomatoes and who knows what else. Summer's bounty can be overwhelming sometimes,  but the cellar is filling up.

Leaving you today with random pics from the past few days.

We cleaned up the herb garden and raspberry patch last week.

A long view of the main veggie garden. Still going strong.

The new arch for late cucumbers. They are already climbing and blooming. I planted cabbage under the arch last week.

Weedy but manageable. 

The grapevines are not as full this year, but we will have plenty.

Iced coffee for a tired old lady.

An early morning firepit, because why not? We did this several mornings when the temps were in the 50's. 

Flutterbys,  as someone called them. 

Evening light.


Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Your garden looks gorgeous, I am rather envious of all the late season colour.
    Apologies if you have already said this, but will be cabin be Sarah's permanent home when it is fitted out?

    1. No, this is her getaway cabin. We would love it, of course, if she lived here permanently, but she has a home and a life in Colorado. So perhaps she will have the best of both worlds?

    2. And thank you for the compliment on the flowers. I have been trying to get more late color, and am slowly getting there.

  2. That's a lot of tomatoes! Barb has two tomato plants for cherry tomatoes for our salad. Gardens are just not prevalent around here. Way too rocky. Any gardens you do see are raised gardens with the black dirt brought in from somewhere else.

    Love all the butterfly pictures and that vertical log cabin is very cool!

    1. I can imagine that your environment and climate are not great for gardens. Raised beds are really gaining in popularity everywhere, but I am not yet ready to go there. Just hate the idea of not growing in my own dirt.

  3. You have a great garden. Food on the table from your own garden must have tasted particularly delicious and fresh.

    1. Thank you for stopping by, Angie. I have been raising a garden for over 50 years, and can't imagine not having one. I am looking forward to trying your recipes.

  4. Here's to good visitors and good produce

  5. The cabin looks great in that spot, nice and peaceful and surrounded by nature and family.

  6. Yes, I think it is going to be really nice, Bill.


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