
Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Appled Out

60 yesterdat morning, foggy and overcast, giving way to mostly clear with a light breeze. All the rain missed us, sadly. It is very dry here. This morning, 62, clear and dry.

The apples are done. Thank goodness.  A few days of work yielded 15 gallons of applsauce, frozen to be made into apple butter in November, 17 quarts of cider, and 17 pints of apple pie filling. 

To see how we make cider,  click here. And for the pie filling, here's a look at last year's post about how we did it. It was able to use my old peeler this year, but not the slicer as these apples had spots that needed to be cut out. 

We both forgot  to take photos of the cider-making yesterday. We use an old style hand-cranked press, which is par for the course of the way we do most things here, come to think of it. Works for us, and good aerobic exercise too! We could use more cider, but this gives us about 100 quarts of juice--grape, tomato, orange and cider--so we have enough for the year.

I could make vinegar from the pressings and peel, but not this year. I am done with apples! 

So now to move all these jars to the cellar. Then  finish getting Larry ready for his trip to Florida. His sister and brother-in-law are both very ill, and their daughter is recovering from Covid and a bad respiratory infection, so he will be down there as long as needed. He will get our grass cut and try to do the weedeating before he leaves tomorrow.  I wish I could go too, but I have a sinus infection that I am sure none of them down there need. And someone needs to hold down the fort here.

Lots to do, so I better get to it. If you are the praying type, please hold Larry's family in your prayers. I know they would appreciate it.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. What a wonderful production of apple products! Of course prayers and good healing energies are going Larry's family's way. May their illnesses be over quickly without lingering after-effects! Safe travels to Larry!

  2. You have so much stamina to do the hard work, and not just with preserving.

    1. I have always said I am peasant-built! Which is true in part, as my grandfather on my mother's side, and most all of his family, were farm laborers. My grandfather rose to become a farm manager, but still, I think hard work ifms just in my genes.

  3. Do you sell them in your local markets? I just wonder how you going to finish all the produce? I will keep Larry's family in my prayers, Sue. And you too take good care of yourself and don't work too hard.

    1. No, we actually try to raise and preseve enough for us for the whole year, Angie. Of course, we give a lot to family too, so even though it seems like a lot, we actually use most of it within a year's time. We live out of town a ways, and only go to the store a couple times a month, for the things we can't grow or make.

  4. Lord love your hearts, taking care of sick family. Even staying home taking care of things there is taking care of your family so Larry can go to them. I am envious of all of the juice and apples, smile, but not envious of all of the work in gathering it all in! Hope you feel better soon. Last year's months of sickness just about did me in, I'm hoping I will be spared this year. Everyone else too! I did manage some cooked apples this past week, just so good but way too expensive! All the old wild trees have disappeared around here, nothing left now except to buy them, that's a sorry state indeed.

    1. So sad about the trees, Annie! We have 2 that produce enough for our needs most years. One of our sons has some trees too, but his often get frosted, unfortunately.
      Yes, we are getting to the age in our families when helping each other through illnesses will become par for the course, I am afraid. I am just glad we are able to do it.

  5. No shortage of apples at your house! :) Very impressive, enjoy the fruits of your work.

    1. We will, Bill! Nothing like hot apple pie, any time of year!

  6. That is a crazy amount of work but well worth it I am sure. The pie filling and cider sounds delicious!

  7. Apple Butter sounds very interesting!


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