
Friday, February 23, 2024


44°f this morning, or 6°C. Overcast after a night of rain.

Is Spring really going to be so early? The wild things certainly seem to think so.
  • Spring peepers, those tiny frogs, are calling along the creeks and lakes
  • A few trees, like my maples, are budding out
  • We are hearing the two Great Horned Owls (Bubo virginianus) calling each other in the early mornings and late evenings. We have only seen either one once, but they have had their home in our woods for quite a few years. Is it the same ones, or their offspring we hear?
  • Crocus is in bloom, and daffodils are very close to opening.
  • The grass is getting quite green, and in some places could actually use a trim.
So, will Spring really be this early, or will we be having one of those nasty surprises that March so often brings? I am afraid it may be the latter; I am not a pessimist, but more of a realist! What do you think? And, is it the same where you are?

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. We have not yet got peepers. But yesterday the birds were carrying on and my forsythia is blooming inside. Nothing outside.

    1. I think you are a lot colder than we are, Debby. Today, we are back to rain and snow!

  2. We had a wonderfully springy day yesterday, but a cold front will be moving in soon.

  3. I have heard the peepers for several days now. The robins have been out in force all this week. I have seen purple crocus here in the yard. Out the street there are some yellow ones.The daffodils are blooming. We are getting March weather, chilly and breezy one minute but humid and warm the next. So spring is surely here, but the weather will still chill us with a least another snow or two. Annie

    1. I think you are right, Annie. March weather for sure.

  4. Flowers that are blooming are hellebores, snowdrops and aconite. Looking at them outside yesterday at 60 degrees. Snowing now! Kathy near Chicago

    1. Wow! I need to add more crocus, and get some aconite and cleanliness so I have more early blooms. A friend has a Siberian iris already in bloom! She is about 30 miles south of me. So maybe I will get some of those too.

  5. Wow, you have owls in your place? I'm still at my book, "What an owl knows" and yesterday in a wildlife park I saw some for real.
    Amazing birds!
    We had the hottest night in ages, unusual hot days in a row, and today real rain. Unusual for WA in summer. Weather is crazy everywhere. Also snow in November was very unusual...

    1. Yes, at least 3 kinds of owls. Also several kinds of hawks and falcons, along with crows, ravens, and all the songbirds. It is fairly remote here, and most of our land is wooded.


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