
Wednesday, March 6, 2024

On the Mend, and Cornmeal Mush

56°f , 12°C, and light rain. Foggy.

So green already!

My inside plants are enjoying being outside and getting rained on. I will have to move them in again Sunday as the cold will return.

It was a rainy start to the day, and an early one. Larry managed to get an appointment for this morning at 8am in Charleston, a good hour and a half away. I was so glad he finally called his doctor yesterday about his chest congestion that has been getting worse. The VA can be difficult sometimes, but this time they were right on it. He came home with 5 prescriptions! Bronchitis is what it seems to be, although he has never had a fever,  and except for the congestion feels pretty good.

And I was able to have a telemed visit with my doctor yesterday. She called in a prescription for me, so now we are both on the mend, finally. Neither of us felt really terrible, thankfully but my throat feels much better, and I hope Larry's meds will kick in soon.

The other day I had a hankering for corn meal mush. Have you ever had it? I used to make it often when my sons were young but I guess it has been 40 years since I last made a batch. It is so easy, I don't know why I quit making it.

Basically, you just mix 1 cup of cornmeal with 4 cups of water and a teaspoon of salt. Then bring to a boil and cook until the mush is very, very thick, about 5-7 minutes.  You have to stir pretty much the whole time because it will stick if you don't. Then pour into a loaf pan and put in the fridge overnight. The mush will harden up, and can be turned out of the pan,  sliced and fried to a golden brown. 


I like it best for dipping into the yolk of fried eggs. So good. It is also good with maple syrup, like a pancake, or topped with gravy and served as a side at dinner.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Wow this is a bit warm,in Germany we have half and I want to stay in Perth!!!!
    I don't think I ever saw cornmeal in Germany! Sounds yummy!!!

    1. Then I bet there are no grits in Germany either! Definitely a southern American food.
      Going back to cold will be sad. At least warmer weather will arrive soon in Germany though?

  2. Even your lawn furniture is green. I hope you both get your health concerns put to rest.

    1. Lol, yes, green furniture! It used to be red, but I like the green better. Thank you for the well wishes. We are both feeling better already.

  3. I have heard of it, but it never sounded appetizing. I pictured just a 'mush' like oatmeal. But...this looks like it might be very nice!

    1. You can prepare it like a hot cereal but I don't think I would like that. We don't eat a lot of fried food, but I made an exception for this! I think you would like it, Debby.

  4. My Indiana wife remembers corn meal mush well and loved it. We may have to revive the recipe. Thanks!

    1. Let me know if you try it. I am thinking of making that cornbread you made. Just looked amazing.

  5. No green here yet, still drab and brown. Hopefully by your next post you will report that both of you are feeling 100% and doing well!

  6. Wow that looks delicious. Are you using that special meal you got right from a mill? I've never made cornmeal mush but I was just thinking the other day that I haven't made grits in years and it may be time to get it back in rotation. I've been eating oatmeal every day lately, and while it's really good, a little variety is always nice, isn't it? So glad your throat is already improving - a sore throat is such a naggy, hard-to-ignore sort of irritation. I hope Larry is soon on the mend as well!

  7. I have never had cornmeal mush, but this looks good to me. Glad you are both on the mend.


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