
Tuesday, March 5, 2024

'Tis A-Springing

55°f, or about 13°C this morning, pink sky, waxing moon. Sounds of traffic from the highway 4 miles away, and the pink sky, mean rain on the way today.

What a beautiful morning. I was up and outside early enough to hear the bird chorus just as the sky was turning pink. Is any time of day as perfect? I guess I could argue with myself that evening is just as perfect, but often I am so busy and/or tired that I don't stop to enjoy the evening. Must change that. 

Yesterday was so warm, getting up to about 75, thst we could have porch time again, taking our coffee out to our rockers. Actually, we did the same Sunday evening, when our neighbors came over to bring us a dozen trout--and even stayed and filleted the fish for us! Our freezer is now once again fish-full, thanks to Jeff.

In the evenings the peepers and frogs fill the air with their singing. I recorded a bit of it yesterday evening.

I took a little stroll around outside this morning, just enjoying the flowers that are slowly beginning to brighten up the (messy) flowerbeds. I will get out there and clean up a little soon. We don't remove the leaves, though, but just mulch over them to add another layer of decomposing organic matter to our soil. The leaves look messy right now, but the mulch will soon hide them.

That beautiful moon. 

So, what are your plans for today? I will be painting a cupboard, as we sold a large flatwall cabinet yesterday, and need something to take its place. I am also waiting on a call-back from my doctor, as this sore throat is stubbornly refusing to get better. Very frustrating.  I guess it's an infection, so antibiotics are probably called for. Thankfully I take them rarely so they are quickly effective.  

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. So nice to see signs of spring somewhere. It is still wintering here. At least for another week by the looks of it.

  2. I do hope your sore throat is cured quickly. Yes, this warm spell is greatly appreciated here too, at least with my windows open.

  3. I hope your sore throat gets better soon! My plans for today - apart from the usual morning and evening chores and the tiniest bit of housework in between - are mostly related to making careful plans for tomorrow. I have the loan of a car for the afternoon - first time in 5 weeks! - and need to make the most of it. A marathon of errands all over the place, then unloading supplies before returning the car. Followed by chores, of course.

  4. The weather now looks really nice there...we had some warm days last week, now it's cold again..

  5. I have heard the peepers here lately. Our rain will come later tonight. I love the daffodils! They disappear too quickly to suit me!
    Sore throats are my big weakness, but this year the sinus crud has gotten a hold of me and won't let go. I hope you feel better quickly.
    Hoping to see your cabinet after it's ready to go.
    Ann Austin

  6. It is rainy here this morning, and after some warm days, it is going to cool down for the next little while.


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