
Monday, June 3, 2024

Chicken Wrangling

79°f as I writevthis at 10:00pm. It has been a warm, humid day, partly cloudy, no rain, which we now need.

Getting a few new chicks seemed like a good idea. We use a lot of eggs, and I like to keep a rotation of variously-aged hens so we always have enough eggs. And after all, how much trouble could 6 little chicks be?


As it turns out, they can be a lot of trouble! First, Larry put them in the coop and turned them loose. These aren't  babies, they're more like teenagers, feathered and about half grown. We figured they would be able to fend for themselves with the older, bigger hens.

But Immediately when the chicks went out into the chicken yard, they began to fly over the fence. The fence was really too low actually, and I think our old girls stayed in out of habit. But once they saw the new kids get out, a couple older hens got out too.

Now, if you have ever had to round up chickens, you know how aggravating it can be. Thank goodness for my butterfly net, which has never caught a single butterfly but has been a godsend in catching birds that get in the house...and young chickens.

After a lively evening we got everyone into the coop and turned off the light so they would settle down and go to roost. Which they did. This morning we were at the feed store bright and early, looking for taller fence. I wanted the sturdy woven wire, Larry wanted that orange plastic fencing, arguing that it would be easy to put up. For the sake of marital bliss, I gave in. I hate plastic,  especially this orange mesh stuff, but some battles you just have to surrender.

So homeward with the fence, posts, and zipties. 
We took down the old fence, slipping in mud and chicken poop. (The old fence was actually electrified poultry netting, which should have been awesome but for some reason Larry refused to hook it up and didn't really put it up properly at all, so that idea was a failure. But I rolled that netting up carefully because it will be useful for some other purpose,  I am sure.)

It was a hot, humid day, but we got the fence up and it was actually pretty fun. This fencing was only 4 feet tall, which I was pretty sure wasn't tall enough, but Larry felt it would be fine. Turned out the chickens agreed with me and one of the new ones immediately flew over. So we added two more feet to the top (we had enough of the netting, fortunately). Then as Larry tried to catch the renegade chick, he somehow managed to let 2 more out. I will not repeat what he said, but it sure wasn't his day.

Out came the butterfly net again, and much coaxing and herding later, everyone was back inside. By this time it was 8 in the evening, we both smelled to high heaven of chicken manure, and had made more trips up and down that steep hill than I care to count. A shower never felt so good!

The finished fence. I hope.

Tomorrow, I hope, we will get a gate of some sort into the new fence, and then this job will thankfully be complete. I have to keep reminding myself how much we like fresh eggs, though. We really do like them. We really do.

A few of the girls in their new confines 

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Some things are kinda funny when they are happening to someone else. I trust you are cleaned and refreshed by now.

    1. Yes, I slept well last night after a long shower! It was funny, later on. Well, to me. I don't think Larry is laughing about it yet.

  2. I think my hens will follow me anywhere - out to the gardens, across the paddocks, even to my own door. Everywhere except back into their own pen.

    1. I used to train my hens with a can of corn. All I had to do was rattle it and they'd come running. I will have to do that again as it was so easy to get them back in the fence that way.

  3. Wow, what an adventure that turned into. Glad you got it sorted. :)

  4. After I read this to my wife she told me a story about her son when he was about two. He was wandering away from the home they were in so her husband at the time went to a store and got some fencing. While he was installing it, her son climbed over the part he had already put up. I think he and Larry probably said much the same thing!

  5. Oh dear. I like eggs too and was thinking to keep 3 chickens. Now that I have read your post, I am thinking I shouldn't.

  6. Laughing, although I did not laugh as a child when I was tasked with collecting my grandmother's errant chickens. Sending sympathy and strong lye soap fumes.

  7. By-laws were changed here a few years ago and homeowners are now able to keep chickens in their backyards. I find it quite charming, and I suspect many others do too.


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