
Sunday, June 2, 2024

Chickens and Booths

56°f (13°C) and showers when we woke up at 7am. Overcast with light showers occasionally all day.

We thought we would sleep in today. We worked hard yesterday getting mulch down and staking tomatoes, then I worked inside while Larry worked yet again on his mowers. In the evening we started a little terracing project in my herb garden but we both just wore out and quit about 8pm. We had just sat down on the porch when neighbors showed up for a visit. So we were up late, and determined to sleep in.

But that rain at 7am woke me up.  "Did you put buckets under the downspout?" I asked my sleeping hubby. Poor man got up, went outside and got wet putting buckets under the spout while I was warm and snug in the bed.

Then I thought of my plants on the porch. They needed to be moved to take advantage of the rain. I know what you're thinking! But no, I did not ask Larry to do that job. I got up and did it myself,  getting thoroughly wet in the process. Those plants better appreciate my efforts! 

By then, of course, we were both wide awake. So much for sleeping in.

But we have taken it slow today, nice big breakfast followed by a trip to town to drop off a few more things at one of our booths. We did the booths Friday, but had a full van. We also picked up 5 young pullets to add to our flock. These are called Calico Princess, a hybrid breed that produces about 300 eggs a year per hen. Here's a picture from Tractor Supply's website- I forgot to take any of our new girls. This gives us 14 hens, more than we need for ourselves but extra eggs are easy to peddle to friends and family.
So, here's a look at what's new with the booths. 
This is one of the things we took in today.

Two coffee grinders we added, plus one wall-mounted one we brought in a few weeks ago.

We took in the center cabinet on Friday.

The above photos were from our Ripley booth. Below, a few from Ravenswood.i love this crow lamp!

And more lamps. We will change the window display this week.

Vintage roadside market signs we won in an auction.

This pretty set is actually vintage 1980s Avon! I so wonder who made it for Avon, as they contracted with good glassmakers for many of their glass pieces.

 Quilts usually sell quickly. Usually. 

Brought in the funky little stand-- I didn't paint it-- and the nice mirror behind these items. It will probably be overlooked until we find a place to hang it.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. A pretty...and pretty useful..breed of chicken!

    An interesting assortment of goods there.. sometimes I think the older things are better than modern versions... work just as well, and last longer!

    1. I agree, gz. Most of the things I use daily are old...but then so am I so we suit each other.

  2. Thank you for the many smiles, reading this!
    Oh, Quilts are sadly unknown in Germany... And I am too dumb/lazy/whatever to make one on my own (Ingo bought me a Singer).

    1. I don't have the patience to make quilts either, Iris. But I do like them!

  3. A little inconvenience and discomfort perhaps, but any time you can recycle rain water it’s a good thing. You receive a badge of merit this morning!

    1. Yes, and we need to make better use of our rainwater here. Granddaughter is planning to put in a cistern at her cabin.

  4. I have gathering eggs trauma from my grandmother's mean, pecking hens. But yours looks handsome and, I hope, laid back. Or, do I mean 'layed'? (Long day yesterday.)

    1. That would certainly have traumatized a child! I was never around chickens until I was 19, and got my first, very calm hens then. Never did have mean ones, thank goodness.

  5. You said: "We worked hard yesterday ..."
    Then you said: "In the evening we started a little terracing project."
    Do you folk ever stop? Can you send some vitality my way?

    1. Some wise person once said the way to keep going is to keep going...but we don't have the health issues you have dealt with in the past couple years, AC. That really saps a person.

  6. I would love to browse in your booths!

    1. It is fun doing the booths. Kind of our day off when we go in.

  7. Serious, how did you manage all the works? That crow lamp is fun!

    1. We just keep doing it, I guess, Angie. We don't watch TV, which I think gives us a lot more time to do other things.

  8. Oh those late-night "did I remember to..." must-get-out-of-bed trips! And then trying to get back to sleep.


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