
Saturday, June 1, 2024

In the Other Garden

48°f this morning, 9°C, which is warmer than yesterday morning's 45°. Clear, low humidity, beautiful Spring day.

Happy June, everyone! And rabbit, rabbit, rabbit!

I don't share many photos of the veggie gardens, so thought I would rectify that today. Everything is still pretty young, so not really exciting.

This is a long narrow garden. I have never measured it, but I think it's about 20x100 feet.
In the foreground (where I need to string-trim) is my patch of Savoy cabbages. I have had a time with them, I think because all the rain early on made the ground too wet under the mulch. I replanted the ones that didn't make it 3 times, and I think they may be okay now. Above them are squashes on the left, cucumbers on the arch, with lettuce, basil and dill under the arch. I just planted another row of carrots to the right of the arch. Past the arch are 3 kinds of peppers, green beans, onions, beets, lettuce and chard. Further up is the strawberry patch, then tomatoes, cabbage, more onions, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, asparagus, garlic, horseradish and rhubarb. I think that's everything

My photos loaded in a random.order! Here are some of what I still have to plant, mostly flowers and herbs. A lot of these I started myself.

Oh, well, a few other things got in the photos too...

Back to the veggies...these are the squash, yellow and zucchini. I will put in butternut soon. And today, I hope, I will get these mulched. We shall see how far we can get with the mulch we have on hand.

Hard to see with the early morning shadows, but these are the early tomatoes, just 2 plants. They already have tomatoes on them. Behind them you might be able to see the green beans, beets, and onions. Oh, and onions in the foreground too.

Pardon Larry's junk! Man drives me crazy not keeping things cleaned up. But after 38 years together, I see no hope of changing him. This was supposed to be a picture of the strawberry patch, with lettuce upper right.

The upper end of the garden, with garlic, celery, asparagus, horseradish,  and cabbages in this shot. The celery is hidden between the garlic and asparagus. It likes shade and they will supply that.

These are the rattlesnake beans,  just beginning to climb the trellis. 

One tomato patch. The others are across the drive in the garden where you might be able to see Larry bent over weeding.

On the way back to the house, this happy little daisy popped out to say hello.

And back to the house, dappled with the early shade.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I honestly don't know how you do all that gardening with everything else you have going on with your life.

    1. I just really enjoy it, Jim. It keeps me from thinking about the news.

  2. What a super lot of veg you have growing, and tomatoes already, mine are only just growing, you have a big garden to care for.

    1. I think our climate is a good bit different from yours, Chris. It gets a lot hotter too, in summer. We do enjoy our gardens.

  3. 9C!! That's quite cold for June. We have been having lots of rain over here, but temperature stays at 12-15C. You are a super woman, Sue, the gardening involves a lot of work and knowledges. Your garden is wonderful!

    1. That cold spell was such a relief, Angie. Back to hot today, 31°C! Some areas of our state actually had frost last week. Crazy weather.

  4. You sure fill your space well.

    1. I try, AC. It's not the conventional everything-in-neat-rows garden, but I like to fill it up.

  5. Those gardens are stupendous. Do you have electric fencing? Or what? Thanks for introducing me to all your wonderful plants!

    1. Yes, electric fencing around the veggie gardens. The flowers, well, I depend on the dogs mostly for protection, but am going to put up something to protect one area that the deer still get to.

  6. Exhausted just reading about all the weeding. But, you have a complete stir fry in the upper left, right?

    1. True, Mary! Weeding isn't too bad because of the mulch, makes it a lot easier to pull them.


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