
Saturday, July 20, 2024

Morning Garden

68°f, about 19°C, a few clouds but it will be yet another hot day, with a high of 88 predicted.

The Naked Ladies, aka Magic Lilies, are a true delight this year. Protected by the purple chair, I hope, from our dogs' wrestling matches, which have flattened a few things. Can't wait for these two boys to get older and a bit slower!

I am worn down by this continued heat. Are you feeling it too? And the three-month forecast by NOAA predicts a hotter than usual Fall. When I read that, I swear my body just drooped. I never wanted to live in the South, for exactly this reason: it's just too hot down there. And yet here we are, living through a southern summer. They need to keep it down there! 

But no sense complaining, right? It is what it is. Kinda broke my heart, though, to see my rosemary that had come through winter in fine shape,  just up and die on that 97-degree day. That is just sad. I did plant another one a few weeks ago, and am trying hard to keep it alive, along with the other new herb plants. 

So this morning I was out in my nightgown, watering again. It's a good thing we live so far from neighbors! I tried to take heart from the things that are still holding on, stull sending up beautiful blooms, almost as if to spite the heat. 


More Magic Lilies. I usually forget where I planted them, so they live up to their other moniker, Surprise Lilies. I planted them at least 25 years ago. So faithful, they are.

You can't really tell from the photo, but this is one of those wire deer people put out at Christmas.  I have this idea to grow ivy on it and make it a sort of topiary. The ivy has hardly grown at all this summer, and the dogs have not helped. But maybe next summer I will see progress?

 You can see a bit of the dig barricade we erected to protect the herb garden after the dogs pretty much destroyed it. We used garden netting, chicken wire, and these two ornate pieces of metal given to us by a friend. It has worked well. It wasn't our best idea to get a second young dog in the middle of summer! But there he was, needing a home or going to the shelter, and we knew we had to get another dog soon. So I did expect my gardens to suffer through this year. By next year they will have settled down a bit, and I will have protection in place around vulnerable areas! And both dogs will be invaluable in keeping wild critters at bay. Indeed, they are already doing that job pretty well.

My favorite hydrangea. I can't recall its name, but it has such lovely flowers. It too is suffering from the heat and lack of rain. But still put out a few blooms.

The upper flower garden looks greener in the photo than it actually is.

I dead-headed the geranium after the photo, but wanted to show you the three-legged cast iron dog. A friend was going to toss him out, but i think he has a place in my garden.

Ending with this spill of bindweed flowers, blooming on the bank behind the house. I hate it in my flowerbeds, but how pretty it is!

Have a good weekend, friends. Pray for rain, and stay cool!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Neat use of an old chair. Ivy takes a while to get going in my experience but then suddenly takes off with unstoppable vigour. I have some planted to hang over the side of some "planters" which are actually old plastic boxes supplied originally by the local authority for re-cycling - then they decided to change their system, making several thousand plastic boxes redundant (!). I collected some from neighbours who had no use for them and set them to work as planters.

  2. The hydrangea is very pretty. The dogs have a very important job to keep the critters away, glad they are doing a great job. Rain here this morning but later it cleared up and the sun came out. Temps are nice and cool. I don't think I could handle the hot weather these days, it's been awhile. Take care and have a great day.

  3. I call Naked Ladies Surprise Lilies. The usually come up in mid August in my yard, but with the warmer weather, they may come sooner. So far, there's no sign of them. Oh, bindweed is pretty, but I've spent a fair amount of time fighting this invasive weed. I pull it if I see it starting anywhere.

  4. Oh My. If it's not the ridiculous heat it's the overactive dogs!! Your poor plants have a hard time growing this summer.
    The three legged cast iron dog looks just fine leaning ever so slightly on the pot of geraniums. (Very lovely geranium it is too).

  5. I love the flowers in the chair but sorry that the heat won't let up.

  6. Opposite but equally difficult weather here again this summer; even when it's not raining, it's awfully humid. We have just had two rain-free days in a row and it's been such a relief I feel like throwing a party! Finally got a little work done in the garden, where even the pole bean are struggling to grow. Local farmers are trying to make hay before the rain starts again, supposedly tomorrow night and continuing for at least 3 days. Fingers crossed it won't be another year of moldy 2nd cutting.


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