
Monday, July 15, 2024

My View Today

70°f or about 21.4°C. Clear skies predicted for the entire day, with a high of 95. Again.

So, this is what I plan to be looking at most of the day, while I try to let my back and neck recover from whatever I did to them. I think I might have to rearrange that teetering pile of books though. The big one is a 1921 medical book, and has the most fascinating illustrations. Some interesting medical advice too!

Below is the rattlesnake beans arch. As you can see they are enthusiastically climbing up and over.

And here is the cucumber arch. They have finally reached the top but are still preferring to go sideways whenever they can. Sorry for the quality of these photos; I just zoomed from the porch and cropped them, instead of walking out there. The garden does look jungle in these pictures,  but I promise it really looks much better than this! Actually very few weeds right now--- but just give it a few days.

I may actually get off my duff and paint a couple things that are waiting on me, if my back stays at this very low pain level. The pain patches certainly help. We shall see.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. My neck and back were really bothering me yesterday, but luckily, they are better today. I hope you recover quickly, too.

  2. 95? That's far too hot - reason enough to sit indoors and take it easy.

  3. Great garden shots (you could pretend they're drones). Hope your back continues to improve1

  4. My wife says ice helps too. Take care of yourself.

  5. I hope the back and neck feel better soon.
    Your beans and cucumbers are doing amazingly well!~

  6. Back pain can be debilitating, and at the very least difficult to deal with. Hope it eases soon.

  7. I am thinking that painting is not a good activity for someone experiencing back problems.

  8. It's hard to get motivated when it's so hot and you're sore.

  9. Take it easy on your back! Better read a book?

  10. I agree with Iris. No matter how much you feel you've got to do, perhaps now is not the time to do it.

  11. Cucumbers! I do love them. And just finished making a quick jar of "Chinese pickles" with fresh sliced cukes, soy sauce, fish sauce, apple cider vinegar, green onions, garlic, and red pepper flakes (you can add some sugar, too). We eat so many of them this way! Hope you feel better soon.


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