
Sunday, July 14, 2024

Family Time

71f this morning, 21.7C, mostly clear, with a light rain shower for 15 minutes this evening. Cherishing every drop.

Yesterday was another family day, starting with Larry and Derek testing the washing machine Derek had. It turned out that the water intake something-or-other is bad. So the part is on order and we may have to do a laundromat trip before it gets here Friday. While they were busy with that, I cleaned house,  mopping, dusting, etc. It sure needed done.

Son Aaron had called Friday afternoon to tell us his daughter Beth was coming in for the weekend. Beth is 28 and is in the Navy, and I had never met her. That sounds odd I know, but  it is a long story I don't think I can tell here, and none of us, Aaron included, knew of her existence until 2 years ago. 

So after the washer test, we drove north to Fairmont,  WV, to see Aaron and all his family, along with son Derek's two daughters who were also visiting. What a good time! I wish I had thought to bring the old family photos with me for Beth to see but will definitely do that next time.

From left: daughter-in-law Jaime, granddaughter Michaela, Beth, me, Larry, grandson James,  Aaron, great grandson Ryland, and granddaughters Hannah and Haley.

We all went out to dinner at a Japanese hibachi place.  Larry and I have never eaten at one of these,  so it was pretty fascinating.  And delicious. 

Michaela, Beth, me. It was hot in there!

The servings were so large that we brought home enough for two more meals, and so did everyone else. Then it was home again, another 2 1/2 hour drive, as the sun set. 

We were home by 10, and stayed out on the porch enjoying the evening until after midnight.

Today was canning day, as I had veggies I had planned to do Saturday, plus what Larry picked this morning. So it was a day in the kitchen, putting up 7 quarts of bread and butter pickles, 9 pints of pulled pork, 4 quarts of pinto beans, plus 2 quarts of green beans and 2 of shredded squash for the freezer. 

It was a busy day, and not helped by the fact that I seem to have done something to my neck and back. My right arm has been going numb on me at night, which certainly interrupts my sleep as I try to find a way to position it to get rid of the tingling. But now in addition I have very tight, painful muscles in my neck and shoulders, and some pretty bad pain in my middle back that shoots pain jabs out if I move even slightly the wrong way. It is very annoying and limiting. I put on pain patches today and they have helped some. I guess tomorrow I will try to rest and see if I can get this mess to settle down.

Ah, aging. It is always something, isn't it? 

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. The picture of you with Michaela and Beth shows that you 3 share the same smile. Glad that you had a good family time! Hope you feel better soon, Sue.

  2. ...years ago I worked on a crew building a hibachi restaurant. It was a neat experience.

  3. Looks like a fine gathering of the clan, including its newest member. And the drive home looks pretty wonderful. Sorry about your sleep difficulties. I have some experience and commiserate.

  4. How exciting to meet a new granddaughter! Sounds like a good family time all around. A few years ago, I found out I had a different grandfather through Ancestry. He was long gone, but my mother was able to meet a half-brother she never knew she had. It was uncanny how much they looked alike.

  5. Wow, you top me - 28 years and you never met that "girl"?
    Either way: To family meet-ups!
    And to self-made food! Sorry you hurt...
    Aas my FIL says: Get old or die... Let´s get old!!!! :-)

  6. Eating Hibachi is such a fun show to well as delicious. So sorry about back/arm pain and numbness. Probably related. Hope resting helps. The new granddaughter is just fabulous and seemed ok with the huge rest of the crowd. I wonder if she'd met any of them before then. Yes, to you all having features in common!

  7. Looks like a fun family gathering.

  8. Why do they serve so much food that no normal human can eat it? It’s always a puzzle to me.


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