
Friday, July 12, 2024

This Week

71f this morning, 21.667C, but not too humid. A few clouds, otherwise another sunny day, unfortunately. High of 88f expected.

An unplanned bouquet, because the watering hose snapped off the lilies, and the dogs broke over the gladiolus. Flowers live a fraught life here.

So, onward we trudge through this unpleasant summer. Not all is bad of course; mornings and evenings are often quite nice, and we enjoy them to the fullest. This morning I was out in the garden by 8:30, and it was lovely, for the first 30 minutes. But then I began hoeing and weeding, and the sweat poured. By 10:30 when we came inside, we were both completely soaked with sweat, but 15 minutes under the fan on the porch, and we were comfortable, if not quite dry, again. 

Beautiful golden light after a 2 minute shower the other night. No real prospect of rain until next Wednesday.

It has been one of those weeks where unexpected things keep cropping up. Like my son calling to see if we wanted 5 boxes of tomatoes for free. Of course we did, although I gave 3 to my young friend whose garden is doing very badly this year because she can't water it.

Then the washer quit working, at about the same time the dryer vent clogged up. We fixed the dryer, taking it apart to clean all arounf the inside, and blowing out the vent. The washer, however, will have to be replaced, so I am on the lookout for one. Our son Derek has an extra, which he thinks works, so Larry will go over to check it out tomorrow morning. 

We spent Monday restocking our booths, and Tuesday I canned bread and butter pickles. We took a day off, sort of, on Wednesday. There was a planned power outage for most of the day, so we elected to go out. We had breakfast at Cracker Barrel for practically free, and Jim you know why. Delicious. Then we went junking, as we call it, or sourcing, as the pros call it. We visited a ReStore where Larry found a like-new power washer; since ours seems to be broken somewhere, we needed a replacement. I found a few things for resale. Then we moved on to a vendor mall, which sells new, vintage, and antique items. We found all kinds of good stock there, and I added a couple pieces to my Early American Pattern Glass spooner collection. 

Last stop was one of our favorite restaurants, The Lafayette Bar and Grill in Marietta, Ohio. 

We met some of the nicest people there: a couple 84 years young who were dating, having been friends since high school and both recently widowed; a young couple out for a daytime date--she manages those little gambling places and put in the new games, he is a truck driver, and they met when she was working at a gas station after dropping out of college; then a couple of middle-aged teachers, taking a mini-vacation in Marietta--we were able to tell them about a few places they might enjoy visiting. The bartender was late to work so the manager was tending bar and knew nothing about mixing drinks, so everyone was offering tips and helping her get through. Talk about a nice, friendly place. 

Oh, and this big cruise ship was docked by the hotel while we were there. I have never been anywhere near a cruise ship, so I was fascinated. I hoped it would be one of the big sternwheelers that stop in Marietta in the summer, but no. Ah well. 

Yesterday I worked in the gardens, then canned tomatoes. In the evening we were back in Ohio to pick up some auction buys. Today, after the garden work, we shucked early sweet corn and ate it for lunch. Why not? That. sliced tomatoes and cucumbers make a great meal. And now, I must get back in the kitchen to can the rest of the tomatoes. Such is life in this backwater of the USA. Ending with the pretty sky from yesterday evening.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. A very nice bouquet, at the start of your post. Good idea to be out and about if the power was going to be off intentionally. I had to laugh at your description of the other patrons at the really did get to know them!

    1. Barb, I have found that most people love it when you ask about their lives, and listen. One of the teachers said as she left, " You are so nice." But really, it was because we are interested in.people, and genuinely listen. We tend to be like that wherever we go, and always seem to meet interesting people.

  2. Love the old cooler center front. Memories of buying cokes and fudgcicles as a kid out of similar.

  3. The bar time seemed like good time. I don't know about advanced seniors dating. I am not sure that I could see myself doing it. Well, maybe casually, but ...

    It was nice to see the riverboat cruise ship. Do many exist? I tend to picture them as belonging to the good old days.

    1. AC, there are still a few companies offering river cruises, on the Ohio and Mississippi and probably other rivers too. I would love to take one but they are way out of my budget!

  4. I'll be in Marietta next month. If I have I time, I'll check out the The Lafayette Bar and Grill. Marietta is a place rich in early history. I don't know if you've read the book, "The Pioneers" by David McCollough. It is about the settlement of the Northwest Territory, and Marietta was the first settlement there. I found it quite interesting. Last year, we explored many of the places mentioned in the book.

    How are you going to can your tomatoes? Whole, sauce, ?

    1. Oh goodness, do let me know when you are coming! Would love to meet up if possible.
      I actually met David McCollough, at the Lafayette! A charming man. I have his book, but am embarrassed to say I have yet to read it. But you are right, so much fascinating history in the area. I used to do presentations for the river museum for their annual festival, and Ohio River steamboat disasters was my most popular one.

    2. The tomatoes---I diced them up and hot-packed them as plain tomatoes. Later our friend Mark will let us pick from his high tunnels for free. We usually getb5 bushels and make pasta sauce, juice and salsa from them. Last year we made 80 quarts of juice, plus all the other stuff.

    3. I would like to meet up some time but this trip will be a quick turn around for a family reunion.

  5. It has been raining on and off over here and the temperature drops to 13-17C...our summer is screwed.

    1. That is just so crazy, Angie. What a bummer. And here it is so hot. Actually hotter where I live than it is in Florida where our youngest lives!

  6. That Bar & Grill sounds like such a friendly place with friendly patrons. I like to think of those two 84 year olds getting back together after their spouses passed away.
    Sorry about your washer. Hopefully the one your son may have will work. Our washer is making ominous noises but it's no wonder. Middle Son packs it so full that it has to work hard. I hope when we buy a new one I have some input because I have not liked this one we now have.
    Yay for free tomatoes. DH came home with a box of 8 free pineapples. Very ripe and needing using soon. The kids all took some and we tried making pineapple jam.

    1. I enjoyed that couple very much, Granny Marigold. They certainly did not look or act 84!
      Free pineapples! Heaven! Pineapple jam sounds delicious. I have canned pineapple before, and it is so much better than the store kind .

  7. Your flowers are very pretty. You had a busy week, hope the washing machine your son has works, that would be nice. Tomatoes for free is always nice. I love tomatoes especially salsa. Haven't had that for a while. The weather here is rain off and on but the temps are very cool and enjoyable. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thanks Bill! Envious of your cool weather, as we are still hotter than Florida most days.

  8. I don't know which way your house faces, but I am guessing your sunrises come really late or sunsets really early. I suppose one should know that in advance before building in the hills!

  9. We invested in a portable AC unit a couple of years ago and have used it in the hottest days but no where as hot as you get.

  10. Nothing beats fresh corn on the cob. Last year at this time I was driving into town once every week to deliver organic eggs to my customers then visit the farmers market for sweet corn and anything else that was irresistible. I'd come straight home and shuck the corn and have a delicious meal. The goats would have the shucks, the hens would have the cobs to peck at. Fine dining!

  11. ...keep packing things into your week!


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