
Saturday, August 17, 2024

Coddling Myself

72 and yucky this morning. No rain, again, but plenty of humidity. Mostly clear, then cloudy this evening.

Well, the rain bypassed us again. I was right not to trust that prediction of 100% chance of rain. One person called it faux rain, and he wasn't wrong. Some areas did get some downpours, but we were not so lucky. Watering continues, but things are dying anyway. 

I am taking it easy today. Yesterday I priced things for the booth, then we made a run to Parkersburg to Michael's craft store. I have bought a lot of knobs and drawer pulls and will be selling them in one of my booths. I have a good display rack ready, but I needed some very small baggies for packaging individual knows.

I also stopped at a clinic for a urine test, as I was pretty sure I had a UTI. Sure thing, I was right. The nurse said I had everything possible wrong that could be wrong in the sample, and she was surprised that I had very little pain. It was just the frequency and urgency thing that made me go in to get checked.

And honestly,  pain in my back is so common I just assumed that it was the usual, but to my surprise she poked at my side and asked if it hurt, and by golly it did. "That's your kidney, " she said. "Way up there?," I asked in surprise. Because you see, my husband always said kidneys were in the lower back, and I never thought to look at a diagram of our innards. How did I get to 73 without learning where my kidneys are?? Now I wonder where all the other stuff is lurking!

It was too late to pick up a prescription last night, so that had to wait til today. We did stop to get a few cool things from a friend of my son's. She was clearing out stuff she didn't want anymore so we went to have a look. Nice folks, he a retired Marine so he and Larry had a lot to talk about. And she likes to re-do furniture, so you know we hit it off. We came home with this very big chest, which I have is an antique Chinese chest from Shanxi province, circa 1902. After locating Shanxi on a map, I think that it very likely came home with a US serviceman who had been stationed in South Korea, since it isn't terribly far between the two places. The lady I got it from found it in South Carolina, not far from a military base.

What a journey it has had, from China to this backwoods West Virginia homestead. 

We also bought this 1940's dressing table with its lovely big round mirror. It needs some work and will have to be painted due to veneer issues. And frankly, this "waterfall" style does not sell in our area unless it has been painted. I had a beautiful one once that sat in our booth for a year. I brought it home, painted it, and sold it in 2 weeks. Go figure.

And then there was a box of green depression glass in this pattern, Rosemary or Dutch Rose, by Federal Glass. This pattern was only made from 1935 to 1937.

Today we were back in town to pick up my prescription, get milk from Maddie the milk girl at a farmers market, and stop at the grocery store for a couple things. I ran into Goodwill to see if there might be anything worth picking up, and came out with a buggy full. I will try to post photos of what I bought tomorrow. 

And then, we came home. I made myself a cucumber sandwich on rosemary bread,  poured a glass of iced tea, and plopped into my chair, wherevinplan to spend the rest of this evening while the antibiotic, hopefully, does its good work. Larry has been picking beans from the late patch so tomorrow, I hope, I will make dilly beans. Right now he is cooking corn, also from the late garden, to go with leftover beans and potatoes for dinner. Life in the fast lane around here!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. ...we had a bit od rain today, I named each raindrop!

  2. Oh yes, do keep coddling yourself! Fortunately UTI's respond to antibiotics. Not fun to go through though. With all the heat and dry conditions, you've probably had trouble keeping hydrated enough. I know I sure don't, though we do have showers every once in a while. Take care.

    1. Thank you, Barb, and you are right. I often forget to drink water, especially when I am very busy.

  3. You self-diagnosed pretty well. Hopefully, the meds will soon do their thing. That chest is quite a remarkable thing.

  4. You have no rain and we have no sunshine over's warm but it's cloudy or rainy. I was going to say that chest was so Chinese..then I read Shan Xi :-) Now I am curious about dilly beans..have never heard of them.

    1. I will post a recipe for the beans, Angie.

  5. A cucumber sandwich seems like a perfect cure for whatever ails you, so I expect stellar results! Maybe you should have two!

  6. If you've more than a couple of UTIs, you know when you have one. Antibiotics usually help the symptoms in a day or two. Hope you are feeling better soon.

    1. This is only the second time I have ever had one, but I will be paying closer attention from now on.

  7. If ever was a time to coddle yourself, this is it!

    We had a storm rumbling around in the distance for such a long, long time. I figured for sure that it would go around us, just as those storms have been doing for a while. But we got hit with a rain so heavy that you could scarcely make out the buildings across the street. About 20 minutes of it. We needed it, although, from the sounds of it, not nearly as bad as you folks did.

  8. If you are going to coddle someone, it may as well be yourself but well deserved, I am sure!

  9. Hope you're feeling better. Sunny day here, miracles do happen. :)

  10. I'm curious. What are "knows"?

    1. Knobs! I shall have to watch out for typos better than I have been lately. Although it would be fun to sell knows and don't-knows...

  11. Cucumber sandwich sounds good! Fresh dill on mine! Today I had a fresh tomato sandwich on sourdough wit salt, lots of pepper and a little mayo! Tasted great! Kathy

  12. The chest is wonderful. I hope the medication begins to work and that you feel better soon:)


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